Need a simple logo for my profile

Need a simple logo for my profile

Joth's picture

I know this isn't for a game, but I am in need of a logo to be my profile picture for this website, my Soundcloud, and possibly any other social media outlet I make in the future.  I can not pay for this--I could make it myself but I am much more a musician than a graphic artist.  If you feel like spending 30 minutes or so to help me out, it would be much appreciated.


Looking for a simple, geometrically based logo with Joth in the middle.  I was toying on a logo making site with a design in which there was a triangle surrounding "Joth", and a sort of radial pattern eminating from the "o."  Then the site said I had to pay $20 to download it :(.  Really I am looking for a simple sleek design (not pixelated), not too busy with maybe just a few shapes or patterns thrown in and "Joth" featured prominently.  Colors I would like would be turquoise, black, or red, maybe in a sort of washed out style.

Red --

Turquoise --

The composer, Tycho, has the same color pallete style I am going for on a lot of his album art:


I understand this is an undertaking, so if you don't wish to do this for free, don't feel obligated to do so.  Leave a post if you are interested in helping me out!

