Team OGA's March 2011 repo on GitHub [REPOSITORY HAS MOVED]
Team OGA's March 2011 repo on GitHub [REPOSITORY HAS MOVED]
This repo has moved! The new location is:
Please let me know who you are so I can add you as collaborators.
My github name is also CruzR.
As I pmmed: my github name is nanderv.
Okay, you guys are all in. Please make sure you can check out the repo. Also, make an edit to the README and be sure you can commit and push your changes.
Githubname: Quball
What kind of workflow shall we go for, btw? Subversion style (all pushing to this single repository) or rather creating our own forks and using pull requests to merge them to this repository as soon as our task is done?
nick same as here.
Forking ought to lead to faster development, but it really depends on whether everyone can do it properly.
/me is "pompei2"
I'd suggest to rename this forum to Last Escape, too?
Done. :)