noob here, which licenses should I take care of ?

noob here, which licenses should I take care of ?

my English is poor, I hope I can express my question clearly. I always download images from here, and use them in my project. Thanks for this website! I always add a text file and the contents is atrributing the authors. But I have a problem, say, sometimes, I am not directly use these images, I would change the image size,  rotate them, change the color or other simple operation before use them, is that OK? I know there are a lot of licenses, but I really do not understand them, if I change the image colors, I break the 'SA' rules or not?  and which licenses forbid my change?

CC-BY 3.0 CC-BY-SA 3.0 GPL 3.0  GPL 2.0 OGA-BY 3.0 CC0 LGPL 3.0 LGPL 2.1