Seeking pixel artist for unique request (marriage proposal!!)
Seeking pixel artist for unique request (marriage proposal!!)
I (who for the sake of anonimity will remain unnamed) am a software engineer and indi game developer. I am planning on proposing to my girlfriend while we are on holidays this Christmas. One of the things I want to do is make an app on her Pebble Time Round watch which tells a story of our relationship; the plan is to have various scenes of us in various places throughout our relationship. Unfortunately while I am more than capable to do the programming side of things, I am quite terrible at art and feel the task is likely best left to a professional.
I will likely be after a number of scenes of us two. I have an idea of the scenes I am after but won't go into too much detail (as it might give it away). There will likely be some pretty famous landmarks throughout the world with us both in them. I would estimate I could come up with likely 6-8 different scenes but am aware that time is a limiting factor. The Pebble Time Round uses a round screen which is 180x180 px (draw a circle with radius 90px and you have the visible area). I am able to do the programming side of things with placeholder images prior to the date, but would likely need images completed before years end as I am planning on proposing on New Year's eve.
If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please give me a shout ( as I would love to hear from you. Of course I am happy to pay for the work.
I assure whoever reads this, despite my suspicious email and account, this is a legitimate request, just don't want to get spotted too easily :)
I appreciate the assistance and hope to hear from you soon.
that sounds cool!, hope she says yes, not sure my pixel art is up to the job, but good luck anyway! and congratulations in advance.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Cool story! I don't think I can help you here, but I want to wish you well on pulling this off.
Visit my site to enter my universe. You're welcome any time! :)