questions about uploading downloaded art from this site
questions about uploading downloaded art from this site
Sunday, December 25, 2016 - 16:09
Hi, i'm new to this site and i am trying to use tiled to create maps for my game and i have been directed to this site as it it a good resourse for what i've been looking for. However when i attempt to import the art that i downloaded into the tile sheet on the program it fails to find the sheet. I was wondering if someone has the answer to my problem or can show me where i can find the answer. Additionally if someone could tell me what i need to look for so that the art i download will be compatiable with tiled that would be most helpful.
Thank you so much for any help you can offer.
That's going to depend on how the program wants the tilesheet to be formatted. What are you using to make the game? I would try searching for some tutorials on tilesheets for the program. You probably have to define the tile sizes, etc before it will work.
ahh okai, well i'm using Unity if that helps
I'm somewhat proficient with Tiled. Give a link to the tileset are you trying to import.
This is a good series of tutorials on Tiled that goes over the basics quite well.
Your thread title is a bit misleading. I thought it was going to be about uploading content to this site that was itself downloaded from this site.
Stay a while and listen.
you might need to chop it up with gimp?
you don't generally use tllesheets in Unity, you sorta can with the offset and more code but it often leaves lines aound things.
Normal in unity would be chop up the grafics, maybe upscale them 400-800% using Gimp/ImageMagick. I leave bilinear filtering, you want clamp for non-tiles.
Also, btw, you most likely need to replace things like black with transprency (GIMP: Colour to Alpha)
Might be a good idea to write a quick python to batch process a folder.