Need animated pixel art for non open project
Need animated pixel art for non open project
Im making a remake of an old DOS game, you can see the original gameplay here. I need pixel art for the character, ghost and explosion animations, size is 60x60. If you are interested, send me a PM for more details about character design ideas and screenshots of current project (Im using lot of placeholder graphics and I dont want to post images yet).
Your request is very vague and doesn't give enough detail to pull in interest.
As it stands now the immediate question that comes to mind after reading your few words is:
*Shouldn't you tell people how much you're going to pay?
*Why should they work for free for a closed project?
They aren't your slaves.
*What do they get out of it?
The idea behind open projects is I help you, you help me: we all get more open assets via back-scratching, so there is a small in-built incentive, and a spirit-de-corps involved.
With closed projects that doesn't exist, so there needs to be more: money, glory, both, etc.
To one coming across your post right now, however, it comes across as if you're saying: "you help me... because you're a f'n serf slave cattle and I said too!!!! (implied)"
Atleast that's how I interpret it since the only incentive is explicitly disclaimed and no substitute incentive is mentioned. Some might think that the thought is: "hey they're dumb enough to do things for free, I'm sure they're dumb enough to do things for me! (and my closed project)"
So how much money you going to pay? How much glory will be acquired? What is your project all about. Got any current screenshots? Videos? How will the product be distributed? Who will hype it? What team do you currently have (people want to join a winning team)? Will profits be split? How? Etc.
You have to have a business plan, a capable team to execute the creation of the product, and additional team members to hype the product so you all make money (on steam I assume). Unlike in opensource where it's just a hobby so we forgo all of that and just have a handful of downloads :P
'Need animated pixel art for non open project'
'for non open project'
'non open project'
'non open'
Really makes you think.
anime1473574050181.jpg 38.4 Kb [2 download(s)]
Why not put a new spin on the old game: remake it in 3d (use Darkplaces engine, go to #darkplaces and #qc and hire some QC coders from europe for your on-the-fly map generation).
People can just DL the old game and play it on DosBox, give something new. Also you'll find way more 3d artist than pixel artists these days.
For any new product usually there has to be either unavailability of the old product (see: KORGs MS-20 and ARP Odyssey remakes) or a new gimmick must be added to the old product (see: Enter the Guengon). Otherwise you won't sell any.
According to the forum rules, non open projects are not forbidden.
Cant say how much Im going to pay because I dont know how muich Im going to win. But definitely, yes, the goal is to sell the game, and I will share the profit with the artists and the names of all involved will be in the credits. I dont think people here will work for free, neither I think that they are stupid or something. I know the spirit of open source, check my posts in the FreeGamedev forum and you will see that I have contributed to OpenGameArt with several high quality 3D models from my projects, and also I have released the full code of my game project.
About the project, it is based on al old DOS game, mostly educative, but very fun. I plan to release it for Android via Google Play, PC (Win/linux), and any other platform I can reach.
Keep giving more information. It's hard to even get people interested in an open project where they can explore all the things. You need to hype up your ideas, also show what you're doing in the project so people joining know it's real and not just an idea: you're the kernel that the snowflake grows around.
What contest is the team trying to win etc.
Doing a 3D remake was my first idea, but then I decided to go 2D.
What do I have to offer that is not included in the original? First, Android port. No need to download DosBox and figure out how to use it (my artist couldnt play the original until I showed him twice how to mount and run). Also, it will be easier to run on PC. Other advantage, share your achievements via Facebook (when I figure out how to use FB plugin for Unity). Last, I have introduced small changes to original design, now the 4 answers are shuffled, so you cant memorize the position, and neither I tell the player which is the right answers in case of wrong choice.
The original game uses a questions database mostly oriented to cubans, and in spanish, of course. I have spend some time creating universal questions and translating them to english.
If those are not reasons enough to buy my remake, then I should definitely abandon the project right now before I waste more time.
i can't resist suggesting that cuba just got the internet and they probabally are cheap :P
Seriously though people do take objection to the "if I sell you get money" deal. I live in hope too of course, seeing that a game in theory does not require millions of sprites just more like a pertty solid and expressive "art style", the ultimate hope of the indie producer, ie that it doesn't cost the same as Street Fighter to make.
I'd suggest burrying your way through this website, hunting for grafics that meet your style, compling them etc. If you pay no money, I think you sort of have to do that.
Surely with a working prototype that looks something like it should, peoples are much more likely to be clear what you're asking for. Say some art guy sees your roughly styled sprites and sees how he can enhance that.
I sort of roughly live in hope of some mutral cooperation this way.
What I believe is missing to understand what you want:
- What is the art style needed (ie: top-down? perspective? etc). 2D pixel art is somewhat vague (and as you didn't show your current screenshots, it's impossible to guess just looking at the old game);
- What kind of animations you need for each of the sprites (ghost and character)?
For example, from what you asked, on a very quick search, I would suggest using:
There are tons of great 2d art on OGA. And as you need so few, it's not that hard to find ones in the same style and with licenses that permit your 'non-open' use.
The only animation required is walk, in 4 directions (up/down/left/right), as the game is top-down. Would be enough 4 frames for each, and some of those frames are shared among animations, or simply same frames but flipped left-to-right.
I checked those and they dont fit the game, but thanks. Probably the explosions can be used.