Drawing Tablets
Drawing Tablets
Saturday, April 23, 2011 - 02:43
What drawing tablets does everyone use? Any recommendations or suggestions in the $200-300USD range?
What drawing tablets does everyone use? Any recommendations or suggestions in the $200-300USD range?
I've got a 9x12 Intuos3, and it's worked very well for me so far. I feel like it was around $300 when I got it, but that was several years ago and they don't make this model anymore.
I have an Intuos3 A5. Generally, it's best if you go Wacom, since they're known for their quality, Intuos4 is their main line of tablets. Medium size is enough for most needs and it's not too big either, while small also works just fine. Havign a larger tablet means you'll have to move your hand a lot more.
I'll chime in here with a Bamboo Pen and touch recomendation. I'm not much of an artist, all I can do is quasi-decent pixel art. I have both an Intous3 and a Bamboo, and I love the Bamboo so much more. It's smaller, easier to transport around, easier to store, easier to use, and I just in general love it better. And the price? $100 for the Bamboo. Unless you're a true artist looking to do digital painting, I don't see what getting a higher end tablet will buy you.
I am using the Tablet Huion HS611, I realy like it and its good for drawing dont have any lags or issues (3 months of use) I used for sketchs and drawing for my freelance jobs.