2D Platformer
2D Platformer
Monday, January 16, 2017 - 05:47
Anyone intrested in creating a 2d platformer?
I am a developer I just need graphics.
Here is an example of my work:
Thanks in advance
Feel fre to check out my graphics on here and see if you like them . Maybe I'd want to work with you, tho I'm already part of another project so my progress will likely be kinda slow. What're you expecting that the game should be about?
Hi Aeitia I have checked your graphics, they are nice!
I was expecting to find someone that can work on the graphics that a full game needs. (Tilesets - sprites ect..) I understand that it is a big task (programming a full game is also a big task and I also have a job) but there is no pressure on it since we are talking about something that will be done for fun.
Unfortunately it seems that nobody cares or has the time for it...
So I don't hope for much. I can work on any good game idea if I know that I will have the graphics for it.
* I hope it is clear that I am not trying to hire a professional. I just want someone to create a freeware game for fun.
The problem is that many people start with a "great idea" which then after a few weeks of enthusiasm gets lost and the project left unfinished. Artists aren't just going to jump onboard something when they will have heard that from other developers many times before and are just left with unfinished and unwanted art.
Thing is, there are a LOT of assets already available here which I can (and have already) manipulated to work in my game. Sure, there might be conflicting art styles, but that can be resolved later - it doesn't stop the creation of a game idea.
Personally, I find something as close as possible and use that as placeholder art, and then show off your working idea. Once you've shown off your idea, you might pique the interest of artists here to produce some art.
I'm working on a project, and I have a LOT of rough assets, but I'm not going to focus on making it look great until I have a fully working game - the reason is that my ideas on implementation changes as I'm looking to get the *feel* of it right first.
For instance, for the longest time, I had buttons on screen for movement, but I've removed them and focus on swipes which all of a sudden made the movement in the game feel much more natural. So my art requirements for movement arrows have been removed.
Once I've finished the game, I'll know exactly what is required for the art, and I will be demoing it here so artists can hopefully take an interest in the game and produce the art needed for it.
In fact, my aim is to make the look and feel of it as modular as possible, so artists can make and check without me needing to change code.
And what will I do if no one takes interest? Two options: pay for it or do it myself.
And here is the key question before starting any game project: how much are you wanting invest into something where you may be the only person in the world who likes playing it?
That is a question only you can answer.
I sent you a PM Constantine :)