Can I make an Anti-Aliasing trainer?
Can I make an Anti-Aliasing trainer?
Do you veteran pixel artists out there think that I can make a program that teaches anti-aliasing? Is there a right way to do it that can be checked by code?
Do you veteran pixel artists out there think that I can make a program that teaches anti-aliasing? Is there a right way to do it that can be checked by code?
Do you mean a tutorial program that teaches new artists how to anti-alias their works?
or a utility program that automatically anti-aliases an existing image?
I mean a tutorial program.
"Is there a right way to do ...?"
Not sure if I understand what you are tring to do exactly, from a software side:
There are many anti-aliasing techniques used in software / hardware.
As for pixel art, I presume edge bluring.
Gimp has a anti-aliazing filter, maybe that would help to "check" if your manual pixel editing is similar to an algorithm?
My idea was to have a line, and then they have to antialias it. Is there a "right" way to do it? Or do people just eyeball it?
There's no one right way to do it--different techniques will have different effects on what forms are conveyed. There are plenty of wrong ways to do it, but if there were one right way then there would be no point in doing it manually in the first place.
Alright, well that idea isn't going very far.