Currently, you only see the name of the license(s) when you browse an item. However, if the person downloading the file doesn't know jack about licenses... It would be good to link to them I think. Or link to a page which teaches a bit about free licenses (maybe links to and then to the individual licenses? Also, it would be *very* useful if OGA automatically created and provided for download: text files that contain a copyright note (see below, only if it's not cc0/pd) and the full license text (or at least a summary plus link to full text) of the license. (C) Copyright yearOfSubmission name For cc0/pd stuff the name still should be added Oh, and a link to the submission on OpenGameArt would make sense - this way the source can always be found again double-sure :) The license file should be of the name of the submitted file plus "license" plus ".txt" or, if there are multiple files, it should have the name of either the submission or the first submitted file plus "license" plus ".txt" and all files to which the license applies should be listed inside the file. Hope this is not too much wishes at once ^^
I agree this would be very good. :)
Hi I have a question regarding GPLv2 and GPLv3. I think that Licence is for source code?
What do I have to do if I use a GPL picture and a picture with another Licence in one project?
Or does it mean I have to open my sourcecode?
I don't think that licence is for pictures. But I could be wrong.
...people do it anyway. Unfortunately, in order for this archive to grow, we had to accept the fact that people frequently GPL their art, even if it's not an entirely appropriate license for it.
My understanding is that if you use GPLed art, you have to open your source code. GPLed code can be distributed with *art* that isn't GPLed, but I'm fairly certain, given the requirements of the GPL and source code, that GPLed art must be distributed with GPLed code.