new to unity and C# language
new to unity and C# language
I'm pretty new to programming in C#. So far Unity has been great, and I've made use of Unity's online learning resources, but often I find they glaze over the things I'm trying to figure out, or are simply out of date (Unity 4 tutorials when I'm using 5).
Can anyone send me to some in-depth tutorials? 2D is what I'm trying to learn, but if 3D features are applicable, I'm all for it.
Thanks ^_^
Stallman does not approve C#
Brackeys Channel is focus in Unity and he had excellent practical tutorials:
Quill18Creates' YouTube channel was what made C# and Unity programming 'click' in my head I assume you've taken a look at Unity's official tutorials? If you haven't, they're quite excellent.
He'd have a far bigger problem with unity itself.
C# at least has free implementations
Yes I know, but people do not seem to care for free alternatives.
most tutorials start with assets and move into programming later, this guy starts with programming first. he's good.
and there's this!
These look really useful. Awesome thanks.
I don't think you need these kind of tutorials, the best way to learn programming in general is by having the programming logic. After you have that, everything will be easy for you. I'd recommend you to think for you own of something you would like to get done from scractch, and go piece by piece programming it and searching for functions that would do what you're looking to get done in that part. This method will provide you knownledge, the tutorials are pretty useless in my point of view because the explanation you get in the tutorial is being forgotten in less than an hour, the way to learn is by detecting by yourself why something does what it does.
I totally agree with Simple01. You learn when you understand. And you understand when you think. Regardless, when you have some good knowledge base, maybe it helps you to google some specific examples for doing more exactly what you want.
I've been reading .
"I don't think you need these kind of tutorials ..."
But how do you learn in the first place?
Yes, if you've already done something very similar, it works to go straight in and look up specific things when required - if you can already program for example, it's often feasible to pick up similar languages in this way. But I wouldn't recommend say a C programmer learning object orientation this way.
I've only started reading about Unity - it seems a very different style to more traditional game programming where you maybe use a library like SDL, such that it seems worth reading some material.
Now having said that, I never follow tutorials step by step - I prefer to work on something on my own. But it's still useful to read articles.
I don't see why reading tutorials means that you aren't thinking or understanding.
Agreed, mdwh.
I don't usually follow all the steps either. Bouncing back and forth between the documentation and different tutorials seems to work for me when I don't understand something.
The problem is when I don't understand what I don't understand and start trying to use it... wrong. Then the tutorials--where hopefully everything has been coded correctly--are a definite help.
The more I learn about C#, the more bad habits I see in Unity tutorials. Things like using cascading if-else statements, single char strings to perform Boolean logic... It is far, far better to learn C# first and come back to Unity after. Once you can make multi-threaded WPF apps that link to a database, I would start looking at /unity/tutorials/ Some of the best tutorials I have seen. It really dives into some advanced Unity topics like procedural mesh manipulation. Best part is there is none of that "intro to C#" stuff like "here is an int. It's a number!". He also has some remarkably good programming habits.
I agree with Out-Of_Names you have to learn about the C# language first. This guy's youtube channel covers from beginner to advanced.
I would highly suggest learning how to use interfaces which makes your code professional. It is not just a tool that makes your code follow strict guidelines. It allows data that is unrelated to have something in common. For example, you can store two very different objects in the same data structure with interfaces.
Alex McCulloch