Which of these art styles are better?
Which of these art styles are better?
So, I'm thinking of possibly making a new game. It should be a JPRG, sorta (since I am a really bad coder it will be no more complicated than the first Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior)
However, which art style should I use? I am not amazing with pixel art nor with higher res digital drawing, but I'm the only one I've got , so it'll have to suffice - still, I've made two pictures here for comparing the art styles.
Which one do you think is better? Please let me know!
(One thing which I fear will be hard is making tiles in higher res tho. Any tips on how to do that will be greatly appreciated too :P)
general.png is less cold, but also clean than the ghrl.png one
ghrl.png looks better to me, but it is mostly because general.png has arm and leg in a funny position compared to ghrl. Altough I like the sword more in general.png. Making game requires a lot of graphics I would choose which ever would be easier to draw for you. Especially if you plan making all the graphics by yourself.
general.png all the way! but then again, I grew up on pixel art and for whatever reason, my eyes can just never get enough of it!
There's something charming and interesting about general.png to me, whereas ghrl.png just seems a bit flat and bland.
That said, I can see that ghrl.png is technically better executed than general.png. As Reemax pointed out, the arm and leg in general.png are positioned a bit funny.
I'll also second Reemax's comment that you should pick the style that's easiest for you because you'll need a lot of art for a finished game, especially an RPG. Although, I'll add that for the same reason, you should probably also pick the style that you like the best, since you'll be spending alot of time with it!
Good luck! and keep us posted on your progress!
Thanks for all of your feedback! :3
I ended up going for the pixel artsy style. But this is probably gonna end up more as an experiment than a game which is actually finished, since my idea for the story is, let us say, not very consistent (read a mess)