Tiled Terrains
Tiled Terrains
Saturday, March 22, 2014 - 04:07
Art Type:
- 2D - RPG - [LPC]-Compatible Tiles/Sprites
- Best Orthogonal (rectangular) Tilesets for Tilemaps
- Game Art for Ship War Game
- Godot RPG Sample
- Liberated Pixel Cup
- LPC Assorted Assets
- LPC Compatible Terrain/Tiles
- Mech Quest
- Potential HTML5 RPG Assets
- space station HS
- Test
- Tileset with TSX
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Tower Defense Art
- Workable style 32x32 tiles
A Terrain atlas with some updated assets.
I have removed the default LPC sand and replace it with another entry. It is not coming back.
Recolored the snow as it was too gray.
Has a Tiled terrain file so you can map immediately.
I still have some space on it so it will be updated along.
Attribution Instructions:
Read the Attribution.txt

Gorgeous tileset!
EDIT : in the tsx there is a little quirk :
<image source="terrain02.png" width="1024" height="1024"/>
Should be like this:
<image source="terrain.png" width="1024" height="1024"/>
^ I JUST noticed that myself. I've been playing around with this and its awesome, though I had to fix that qurik first.
The tileset is just recompiled LPC terrain, but what's awesome is that its got all the Terrains pre-configured. I didn't even know Terrain worked that way in Tiled and its awesome. This is the best pack of the LPC terrains I've seen so far because of the fact that its got a pre-configured Tiled tileset.
Damn I was sure I fixed that,anyway I updated the tsx.
Yay, it's quite useful. One can designe fastly enough quick map bases like this. I have just a little regret that the Earth Terrain won't merge correctly with Grass on the same layer.
To merge corectly use 2 layers.
This is how its meant to work.
great collection thanks
Thanks for the nice terrains! I was just playing around with the tile sets, and I noticed a slight oddity about the "sewer" tiles: the other terrain types can be combined in two ways to make them look either "raised" or "sunken". This, however, does not work for the sewer tiles, because the three tiles starting at pixel (5 * 32, 14 * 32) are a bit too tall. I decreased their height to 16 pixels (instead of 32) and then they line up nicely with the corrners just above them, allowing for "sunken" as well as "raised" "sewers".
Can I use this commercially because i looked through the rights reserved liscence and found nothing on this not being able to be used commercially. All i saw was about me not being able to modify these terrains. Is this true or not. Please reply asap, so I continue to work on my game!
I guess I don't understand how to use this correctly in 'Tiled Map Editor'? With a new Map (32x32) when I drag the tilesheet into the Tiles area it splits it 32x32 but that cuts lots of the images in weird ways? Is 32x32 the correct resolution for my tiles?
I have some questions about the tileset license.
You use the CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL 3.0 license.
The tileset is created with tiles from surround about 14 contributors.
We are an little indie game development team and want to use this tileset in our 2D MMORPG game.
Our game is currently closed source, but we can license some parts as Open Source.
Are we allowed to use this tileset, if we name the authors in our credits and licenses file?
Thank you for answer!
@JuKu yes
I've used this on http://chiland.pl
great assets!
That amount of great designs
nice tileset!
Whats the license from this images?
I might use your stuff to prototype some javascript for RPGs. So, can you give me any pointers on how to sample the textures to get repeating patters, like square areas with coordinates and dimentions or something? I'm trying to figure out how to create repeating patterns with your work.
Thanks for the great tile set. I am using Unity to split this sprite sheet, but since the tiles are unevenly placed in the image I am having trouble splitting the images.
How do I use the attached tsx file to help split the textures?
Just want to say this is great work. Super-useful.