[Paid Work]Help us up our game quality :D
[Paid Work]Help us up our game quality :D
Hey guys and girls,
we are here to present you a new challenge :
help us make our game "Danger Lane" look better than the way it is today. The game is a runner with Chasing mode. We have based it on a variation of retro-voxel art.
The core gameplay is really solid and controls look and feel great. But the art lacks the polished look one needs in order to sign with a big publisher.
you can find our trailers here and here.... and here is its page on our website where you can see some screenshots as well as a brief description (excuse our french, our english website is not ready yet! :D )
Our small team (HeartBoxGames) works mainly on casual games and has very talented programmers and game designers, but we still lack a mobile artist. So if your contribution helps us sign a contract with a great publisher, it could be the beginning of a long and fruitful collaboration.
Don't hesitate to send us your suggestions as well as your invoice for the finished work. We are open to negotiations.
By the way, we are using Unity :D
Don't hesitate to look at our trailer on youtube as well as our published games:
Your game already looks a lot better than many other OGA projects XD
Good luck finding the people you need!
Hey Spring!
Thank you for thinking so highly of our game art. :D
It is good, but there is a gap between hobbyist and professional-looking games and ours (from feedback we've got from publishers) doesn't cut it yet.
So we thought we might find people here who would like to accept the challenge and see if they are ready to pass to a higher level, or professionals who can help us do a better job.
CTO at HeartBoxGames
I'm thinking it's gonna be hard for you to get professional people for free?
We never said it will be for free. When someone submits his/her suggestions s/he can sure attach an invoice for the finished project.
We know the value of great work :D
CTO at HeartBoxGames
You should probably make that a bit more clear I think, I think it'll make a lot more people interested. A lot of people here want stuff for free - so its assumed for the most part that that's the case when nothing else is mentioned :P
I sadly can't help you at all, I'm not a 3D artist, nor is my quality good enough for what you want :/
Even tho you use the Open Commissions forum, people need to be able to tell from the thread title itself, or its initial post, is what I'm saying.
Thank you for the feedback dear Spring!
Yep, we should probably bear that in mind for next posts :D
I will see if I can correct this one too!
CTO at HeartBoxGames