2D Cartoon Pixel Art for Fantasy Action/Platformer Game
2D Cartoon Pixel Art for Fantasy Action/Platformer Game
Hi there!
I've been developing a 2D platformer that works a lot like Zelda II for the NES for a few months now. Most of the core gameplay is finished and developement is going smoothly. Unfortunately, I suck really bad at pixel art.
The art style I'm wanting for this game is something similar to Kirby; The Amazing Mirror & Nightmare in Dreamland. Simple, cartoony, fluffy, very colorful but in the medieval era instead of poofy dreamland.
For the player proportions, something like the swordsman here would be great
Any help at all would be fantastic. At the moment I have three characters and a good chunk of enemies with concept art to get started.
Thanks for your time!
I can't really help you right now except with small tidbits, but I'd really like to see your concept art anyway. :)
Hi i might be able to help you with some things! I think it sounds interesting, so i made a character last night, to see if it was something like this that you need. I am able to make whatever assets are needed. But i need to know if you are serious enough, to dedicate myself making assets for you!
This is a really rough sketch of the warrior design I drew up along with what I wanted the slash animation to look like
And here is the finished wizard drawing
@ Dadsky, that character looks really great! It's really similar to what I was looking for actually. Yes, I'm set on completing this project. I'd love to have any help you can provide with sprites and animation.
I have a playable demo that's pretty much ready to go I just need art to replace the rough sprites I have at the moment.
Thanks in advance!
hope the pictures help
I made the character bigger! and more like you're drawing. Something you can use?
Yeah, actually, that looks awesome! I'd love for you to work with me on my project.
If you have a discord or something similar, I'd like to speak with you more privately about the specs and such
hi sorry for the late reply. but lets have a go at you're game then. I've been looking for a project to work on for a while. And this sounds interesting. check out my Deviant art page to have a look at what i do, cause i can make some great concept art for you to! https://dadunlin.deviantart.com/.
Here's a very rough and quick sketch of you're mage... :-)
I've never used Discord, but i have a skype account if that's ok?
Discord is sort of like Facebook for games. I use it a lot. It's pretty cool!
But yes, I have a skype so that should be fine. Thanks in advance for the help! Your style is really cool and creative! I can't wait to see what you'll create. I'll PM you tomorrow and we can exchange skype names then.
Very excited to work with you and thanks again!
I got a Discord account now! seems like a great program! My name is Dadsky on it! so you can just add me! :-)
I couldn't find you so here's my tag instead;
Mr. Specific#5040
Make sure to include the tag number as well so others can add you.
Talk to you there :-)