Looking to partner up with artist for small project!
Looking to partner up with artist for small project!
Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - 16:30
I am currently coding a game that revolves around a general shop in a midevil fantasy themed environment. This will be a strategy game focusing on currency and timing.
The graphics does not have to be impressive, however I am looking for the entire game to have one art style.
In addition I am familiar with spriter and piskelapp, so I can edit sprites and make animations .
The game is going to need about 5 character sprites some basic inventory ui and a generalshop background .
If you have any unfished art work or would like to brushin up on your skills please reach out to me I will respond as soon as I can ! Let's make a cool little game!
currently I'm working on three games however if you just need art I'm sure I could do something for ya. just need to know if you want pixel art or something else?
In case the message didn't respond the first time, yes I am interested in any help with art. Pixel art or 2d art is much appreciated.
Also just confirmed a game jam is going on tomorrow I may enter for fun.
Message back when you can!
Sure, I would love to! Do you have discord?
-https://red-voxel.itch.io/arrows-of-love #1 in the OpenGameArt Summer 2017 Game Jam-
Cool game !! No I do not have discord as It was giving me a lot of problems after upgrading the app. However if you have any plans you can email or message me on Skype.
I had a few projects I wanted to complete that I lost when moving ,
But I posted two games here if you would like to check it out.
https://gamerfates.itch.io https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/683322?id=683322