I need an installation gif for an established OSS games client
I need an installation gif for an established OSS games client
Friday, October 13, 2017 - 01:56
Hi all!
I'm the lead dev of Mudlet, a pure-text RPGs games client that's been around 2009 with a well-established userbase. The client is open-source and runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux!
We're looking to improve our install experience on Windows and change it from being a wizard to just a "loading" gif - for an example of what I mean, try installing Github for Windows. If you're not on Windows, here are some examples of the style of art:
Mudlets icon is available in SVG form here.
Thanks for any help possible!
Could be done with Anime Studio I think. But what should the animation actually consist of?
Oh yeah, I forgot , they changed the name of the program to Moho or whatever.
Anything to keep the user occupied! This is how Mudlets splash screen looks like - maybe an animated version of that?
What do you mean "animated version"?
What should be animated, I mean it's not like brick walls move around much.
What gets animated can be up to you! Maybe make the blue sky in the background change from day to night? Have gnomes put up the brick walls? Anything flies :)
Oh well, I can start by vector tracing the image, maybe add some rustling grass in the distance and some birds flying through the gate
Thanks for doing this! Here's a vector version for you:
How large of an output size do you need for the GIF?
How much are you looking at? I think something under 1mb will be ok.
I mean resolution actually XD but I worded it badly - yeah I think under 1mb will be achieveable. If not I can always reduce the color count.
Ah - same resolution if you can. Just to be in line with the other examples.
Idk for some reason I have a wierd feeling you're really gonna hate this because it looks nothing like you wanted
But maybe you can use it temporarily until you find someone who can actually draw, personally I keep being disappointed at my own drawing capabilities.
And don't go on a long rant about how much I suck, I tried my best alright :/
Hey! Don't get discouraged. Thanks for your work. I like what you did with the background, the dragon and the stars :) though the colours and style feel off. Would it be possible to apply what going on inside the gate onto the vector I've provided?
The entire thing feels off because I can't draw....
Now this is even worse!
I think you should find someone else by now.