Control Icons
Control Icons
Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 14:07
Art Type:
Set of low-res control icons.
Either 16x16, 32x16 or 16x32 or 32x32.
Drawn from scratch, text is also hand drawn from scratch (so no font used).
If you're looking for something even lower res, try my other set:
Attribution Instructions:
None required or desired.

Awesome this is really helpful stuff thank you.
Nice artwork !! Thx ;D
Really neat for hand drawn stuff!
Hmm. This is a good idea but your A, B, X and Y don't contrast very well.
Course, if I used it in my own games, I'd have to use the 16x16 version and reduce to 4 colors plus transparent cause that's what my games use.
Not sure whether I'll use this or not. Will add to favorites and come back to it. :)
@BenMcLean: thanks for the feedback! You're right, the lettering on the x360 is a bit washed out. I think I was trying to mimic the 'clear shiny plastic' look on the actual x360 controller buttons. In hindsight, they probably would benefit from more contrast on the letters. Of course, re-coloring them should be no big deal. Just for fun, I went ahead and re-colored them to Dawnbringer's 32 and 16 color palettes. The Y is still a bit tough, but the other buttons are indeed much improved.