How to get better at pixel art

How to get better at pixel art

Hello guys I want to get better at pixel art where do I start? I mean I am not really good, I made 2-6 projects that I am proud of the others are eh....., Not so good and the more I dig deeper the harder it gets and the more complicated patterns that I see I can copy a dude making a pixel art with only shading so 1/8 of his art is in darker color the others are bright and thus creating the illusion of shade but the more I dig the harder it gets


If we look at the first wizard we can see that his pixels are colored differently not only for the shade part if we dig deeper to his face his face is all colord with weird colors although when I look at the image as a whole he looks even more real than coloring his face with only 2 shades of pixels


if we look at the scorpion lady we will find the same pattern with her using 4 different shades for the legs + a whiteish color and her whole animation looks very smoth with over 20 animations her art is amazing and truely not my next level to learn but I thought I would bring it up

If we look at the third image the red knight is amazing, He is simpler but the coloring really makes a difference if we were to remove the coloring and use only 2 shades he will look funny not only that he has a cartoony look his head and body are really big while his hand and legs are really small, Although we when I first looked at him he look really normal to me not noticing the huge difference in size


Bottom line is coloring makes alot of a pixel art and choosing these random colors and putting them in random spots makes the sprite look less funny less cartoony and more real so how can I Imporve my coloring and my pixel arts techniques as a whole?

giphy.gif giphy.gif 45.5 Kb [188 download(s)]
s3scorpion_lady.gif s3scorpion_lady.gif 108 Kb [70 download(s)]
rk.png rk.png 9.3 Kb [72 download(s)]