Looking for pixel art of wild plants for my botanically accurate RPG

Looking for pixel art of wild plants for my botanically accurate RPG


I am making a game called Sticks and Stones, a primitive survival RPG.


currently it is playable here: https://jpchaufan.github.io/


but Im still definitely not done. 


I love plants and work with plants for a living, and do programming as a hobby. So I really want to have a semi-realistic plant system.

plant growth can be predicted by growing degree day calculations. so I have included these calculations when determining the growth of plants in the game.

Right now, I am using a LPC  plants spritesheet from https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-farming-tilesets-magic-animations-an...


but it only has domesticated plants, like corn and tomatoes. I've added so far 1 wild plant, cattails, which are simple to draw. But I am hoping to include many wild plants in the game.

I want to have at least a few plants each for uses like fiber, medicine, and poison, and of course wild food plants. Ideally the player learns some actual botany and wilderness survival from playing.

plants like yarrow, nettles, plantain, milkweed, mullein, lambs-quarters, jerusalem artichoke, dandelion, dock, comfrey, clovers, hemlock, camas, etc.


I am also hoping to include some perenial plants, like trees and bushes. My game includes seasonality, so I would need versions of each plant fitting for each season. (aka for fall and winter)

right now, I only have pine trees and apple trees. I would love to include a variety of wild trees and shrubs, for food, medicine, etc, like walnuts, sumac, elderberries, cedars, willows, currants, gooseberries, etc.


I don't know if anyone would be interested in this project... I am doing it as a hobby, but it has advanced far beyond the original scope, and I might try and sell it. But i cannot promise anything, and cannot promise any compensation. I'm just throwing this out there.