Looking for 2d artist for my project
Looking for 2d artist for my project
Hi, I'm looking for 2d artist for my project - brain-teaser game about a hamster in a sphere that is looking for the exit from a maze with movable walls
This forum's spam filter doesn't let me post a full description and details here, so you can find them at https://www.reddit.com/r/INAT/comments/7djv2m/revshare_need_2d_artist_fo...
If you are interested please PM me or answer in this topic
Tried out your game, and it's pretty fun!
I have a hard time seeing how it can make money though. (damn this is becoming sort of a catchphrase of mine :P)
Also, i think you should color every sliding piece a unique color to make the puzzle more transparent, yes it will probably also make them easier, but, in my opinion, improve the gameplay. ^^
Thank you for your feedback!
I'm agree that sliding walls should be colored with different colors, this can enhance the gameplay
As for making money, I consider ads model for now. For HTML5 version money from ads on HTML5 game portals, for mobile version from AdMob ads integration. Ads blocks are to be shown, say, every 5th replay time
You're welcome, tbh it actually seems kind of superflous for this project to even need an artist. A hamster in a ball and some colored squares isn't exactly much, and no more is really needed imo.
Well, not perhaps superflous, more excessive
To be more specific, I need an artist to help me in choosing right palette and mood, create custom UI and draw sprites and animation (there are some beyond hamster and walls, like electrical arcs, octopus and so on in late levels)
I've tried to do it by myself, but it looks pretty lame)
Besides, current code lacks scalability (in terms of adding levels) and I'd like to spend more time on it
I don't think your game looks too bad, except for the floor and walls but they seem more like prototypes than anything, I mean the hamster is quite good, and if you can draw that then you will be able to draw the other things fine as well, I'm sure ^^
Right now I have a couple of other projects, but when I'm done with those I will consider helping out with your game too, in the meantime you can work on your code, and maybe we'll both happen to be ready at the same time.
Thank you!
Please keep me updated
I will try to remember that. Otherwise feel free to PM me if you feel like knowing the state of things.
Best of luck with your project!
I saw your requirement and very much interested to be a part of this project. I have a team of 2D & 3D artist, HTML game developer and many more. We work on freelance projects. Please check our portfolio
Game: http://wwwredappletech.com/download-brochure/?brouchure-slug=game-develo...
Application: http://www.redappletech.com/download-brochure/?brouchure-slug=applicatio...
2D Art: http://wwwredappletech.com/download-brochure/?brouchure-slug=2d-art-desi...
3D Art: http://wwwredappletech.com/download-brochure/?brouchure-slug=3d-art-design
and share your email id or skype id or discord id anything that suits you so we can proceed in this regard.
please email me at kdeduhin@gmail.com
If you are still working on this game and are interested, I am available now, at least for a short while. ^^
Thank you for letting me know! I've already found an artist for this project and we are on the home stretch... well at least I hope so)
Ok then ^^