Hi everyone, I'm new to opengameart.org. I would like to make a request and will pay for work done, I need some monsters for a FPS doom style game im making. Its 3d style game but the sprites are 2d plane style "always facing player" paper style. I will need about 4-6 types a few evil soliders that shoot and a few monsters/mutants/demons for a scary doom style FPS game with lots of blood and guts lol.
This is not a fan game, its my own spin on a doom/wolfenstein style game.
This is not a open source game. But will be happy to use closed or open assets.
Each sprite needs to have 6 animations per "action" and must be made within 32x32 pixels.
6. animations of walk/run towards player "running at player/facing player" no need for side ways and running away etc like in examples.
6. animations shoot/attack.
6. animations hurt/hit
6. animations dead/killed. also would like options to have stay in level "body on ground" and lots of blood and guts. lol
Theme: scary, futuristic, space, lab, humanoid, evil, demons, mutants.
Will pay but must be made soon. Please let me know if you would like to know more.. :)
32x32 seems pretty small? I think the Doom sprites were a lot larger.
yeah it is really small I know, doom were 64x64, I know it will not be as detailed as doom sprites.
Well I guess I can try and make some, but I have no idea how to make them scary really :P
Just monsters/demons that are more realistic then cute if you know what i mean.
I don't, not at all.
I mean monsters and demons are not realistic. But that doesn't mean they have to be cute of course.
Lol no they are not realistic, but I mean just not cartoon cute kinda stuff lol
Still looking for a artist to help me out. :)
An attempt at doing just a soldier guy, but alas, he's probably too cute for you.
nah he is cool, can you give him abit of a face and some skin and maybe a death animation with some blood and guts that will make it scary :)
so I tested him ingame he looks great! well done! only thing is he is abit tall and almost touches the roof only like 2 pixels.
Guy ingame :D
Made him 2 pixels shorter and gave him a face like you said ^^
wow very cool! thank you, I'll try him ingame XD
looks very cool! he just needs a shoot and death animation now, I just used the first run sprite and adjusted his legs to make a idle sprite. not too worried about a animation for idle as they run towards you once your close enough. :)
Guy 2.0
Shooting animation, bloody death animation, not too much tho
The death looks really good! can you make him explode into blood and guts then fall to the ground in pile of blood and bits lol?
Not sure about the shoot animation, as it looks like he isn't aiming at you and the bullet flame should be on his right side because thats the side he is side holding the gun. also the smoke looks abit weird because its a slow animation ingame. Really only need 2 animations for shoot/attack one with him aiming at you and one with bullet flame.
side holding like this.
exploding like this
Had attempt at putting the gun on the side, its not as nice as yours but looks ok.
Just need a hurt one for when player shoots him and exploding death for when player blows him up with grenade.
Then could just use this guy to make one with a different uniform and mini gun like a sargent/commando. then that should be enough for soldiers, I could also just colour change him in photoshop to change uniform colour for more variant.
Can you please make few types of monsters/demons and make some melee attack like scratch/claw at the player and maybe some throwing fire balls?
I cant wait to see what kind of monsters/demons you make. XD
Mini gun commando XD
Hit and explosion. But remember that you said this was a paid request right?
Some sprites for the minigunner
yeah I sent you a pm
More sprites for the minigunner
Yes, well while I might need music in the future, right now I mostly just need the cash ^^
The Commando looks awesome!! he just needs a hit, death, and explosion. then that should be enough for soldiers.
I'm excited to see the demon/monsters you make :)
Oh, I have already made those animations for him!
Check above you !
Thats fair enough we can work something out and im happy to help you with music or tilesets in the future aswell :)
oh I just seen them, they look really good, I like that die one for the minigunner! :D
An attempt at just a random demon design ^^;
lol bastard demon looks great! XD
A poison breath attack.
Is that a tail in the middle or something else :P
very cool attack!
can you please make one like pinky in doom, half machine half mutant. would look very cool!
A biting attack
Yes, I can make a half machine one, but shouldn't i finish this one first?
This is a cool mutant idea.
yeah absolutely, just giving you some ideas for mutants. :)
Red Demon
mutant scientist, I'm sure you could make something better then this example, couldn't find much on the web.
How many do you need in total?
- Explosion, hit and death for Bastard Demon
I dont have any set amount, like I said before I can just change the colours of the soldiers to get a few more types but I would like to have a lot more demons/mutants then soliders.
you done really good on the bastard demon, he will look great ingame :D
Thanks, well the thing is that the price is obviously gonna be different depending on whether you want few or many.
A new demon, a half macine thingy
Improved it a bit with some steam puffing
Yeah understandable all good, I'll look after you for helping me out ;)
Thats cool it kinda looks like a bull charging at you. might want to use a different white next time you use white, maybe more gray then white but that will be fine.