Pixel art UI icons needed for LPC Character Creator
Pixel art UI icons needed for LPC Character Creator
Hi all!
I need some small pixel art UI icons for my character creator, for small details that won't show up on my preview images. This is an unpaid community request.
For those who don't know, the LPC character creator is going to be a free web app that will let game devs build their character, preview it in a small mini-game, and render animated character sheets. It already has a bigger repository than Makrohn's Universal LPC set and Gaurav's generator, and I've personally been going over every asset and checking them frame by frame for errors, as well as adding in new body types, new clothing, and a wide variety of color options. I'm putting in a ton of work to make this professional, reliable, and intuitive in hopes of drawing more attention to the LPC art set, so I'd love to have some really well made icons.
For my preview buttons, I need:
- A well drawn, pretty eye with noticeable eye color. Three colors for the iris. (So I can recolor them.)
- Four ears: normal, large, pointed, and knife-like.
- Four noses: no nose, button nose, straight nose (Roman-ish?), large nose.
- (Optional) Five expressions: default, angry, happy, sad, crying (sad). (The current ones show, but they're subtle.)
All assets need to be about 40x40px, but no larger than 64x64. All files need to be transparent .pngs.
Placeholder ears:
I took a shot at an eye. Does this seem like what you want?
Regarding noses, are you thinking something like one of these, or just the nose by itself?
And here's examples for the no nose option:
Will these recolor for different skin tones? If so, is there a certain number of colors that should be used like there is for the iris?
Another eye attempt. Also tried making a very feminine-looking eye with mascara.
Recolored for green and chestnut
Version where the eye rim is not stark black, this is probably preferrable.
Finally, a rounder, more anime-like version, here the eyes become very apparent as a male and female one, I think.
Wow!!! Thank you, guys! This is really great!
Since LPC has something of a retro JRPG feel to it, I'm liking Spring's design for the eye. I'll put them in the creator and show you how they look. :D (Tomorrow, when I'm alive, probably.)
As to the nose... I like the idea of having the nose by itself, but I have no idea what a good way to represent the flat, nose-less default sprite of an LPC character. Maybe somethig that looks closer to an enlarged LPC head?
Or maybe a nose with an X through it. Or just an X. ... Gah. I don't know. Thoughts, opinions? UI really isn't my strength.
Here's the figures blown up for quick reference, if that helps!
Okay, I lied. Here's the new eyes in action!
And after:
I really love them-- they go great with the style. I only wish that they were a little bigger, if that could be done easily?
Draw it as a curve, similar to these pictures, especially the second one:
(These are my own private OC's by the way, only provided for example)
That was about the nose :P
I can make a bigger eye.
Big eye:
I could do that-- instead of having 'no nose' have the tiniest little nose graphic for the nose button with the label 'default'. Anime style for that could work very well, too.
I added in a bit of dithering and some refinement on your bigger eye, Spring, to smooth it out after the resize. Here's how it turned out:
Looks great, though the screenshot is a little blurry. Yeah, a little tweaking would proabably be necessary for it to work ^^
Here's some possible noses laid over your UI:
And some skin tone variations to make sure they don't blend into the background:
I'm seeing some things on the front view I want to change, so I'll post an update later. For now, here they are on a transparent background:
Woah, that's awesome Ben!! Thank you so much!!!
I'm going to put them into my system and see how they look! I'll post screenshots as soon as I do.
Here's the nose, both ways-- front and side (with a bit of adjustments). I think I like the front views a little better, but it's hard to say.
Your adjustments are a real improvement. The front view is the best, absolutely.
I used your placeholder ears as a base and modified the outlines to make them closer to the LPC ears and to add a small amount of detail. There's a complex and simple version of the shading. I'm not sure which is better.
Another version of the shading:
Awesome! I've got the graphics saved, and I'll try them out... probably tomorrow. I've managed to wear myself out for the day between everything.
(I got in behind-layers working on the Creator, though. Rejoice! Capes, cloaks, and super-long hair are viable!)
And, things are in!
The ear menu:
And with that... I think I have everything I need for the body menu UI. Let me know if you have any suggestions / comments about how to improve it any further, but for now we're done.
Thank you both so much, again! This really helped me out!