Hi everyone, I'm new to opengameart.org. I would like to make a request and will pay for work done, I need some monsters for a FPS doom style game im making. Its 3d style game but the sprites are 2d plane style "always facing player" paper style. I will need about 4-6 types a few evil soliders that shoot and a few monsters/mutants/demons for a scary doom style FPS game with lots of blood and guts lol.
This is not a fan game, its my own spin on a doom/wolfenstein style game.
This is not a open source game. But will be happy to use closed or open assets.
Each sprite needs to have 6 animations per "action" and must be made within 32x32 pixels.
6. animations of walk/run towards player "running at player/facing player" no need for side ways and running away etc like in examples.
6. animations shoot/attack.
6. animations hurt/hit
6. animations dead/killed. also would like options to have stay in level "body on ground" and lots of blood and guts. lol
Theme: scary, futuristic, space, lab, humanoid, evil, demons, mutants.
Will pay but must be made soon. Please let me know if you would like to know more.. :)
Thank you, soul eater looks great! The bull is 8 frames, I see what you mean about the bull. I think its because his left horn kinda blends into his shoulder as he is bucking to one side and his back legs stay on the ground so it looks like he is standing up. Might be better if you just lift his head straight up and lift his back legs off the ground like a kick out behind him then back to the ground then front legs down or not lift legs at all and just make his head lift straight up and back down.
Like this lol
Attempting to fix the bull, I think it looks better now, but still, only 6 frames is kind of a limitation.
Yeah I know its hard to make good animations with only 6 frames. that looks alot better. :)
Ok, well I'm going on to the boss in a little while...
I fixed his horns and one of his front legs was lifting into to the air. Also the last animation was abit bugged, so I fixed it and made him kick his back legs. he looks pretty good.
Did you finish the boss? I only have a run for him. Can you make him swing his axe from right shoulder to left leg and add some orange on and around his axe as it swings.
Swing example: https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/c8P2BCxp4wR3ZREhlJpeWBI...
His axe powerful orange glow.
If its too difficult to make it look good with him swinging it like that just do a over head swing to the ground if thats easier and looks better.
Like this https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=7BmkOquD&id=6C3DBA...
Once you've finished the boss and the other 3 I requested, the first page has the examples, I think that should be enough to work with and I'll be happy with that mate. :)
So just the boss and his orange axe swing and death etc to finish.
The red demon. That shoots red/yellow fire balls from hand. Same as the soul eater I'll make the bullet/flame ingame, if you just make it look like he throws it and then disappears from his hand.
The mutant guy with the biohazard mask. He can just claw/swing at you for attack with his mutant arm. Can you please use some skin colour on him. His mutated arm can look abit like a different skin colour for detail.
The mutant scientist. He can also swing/claw at the player. Can you please also make him with skin colour so he looks like a human mutant with blood on his lab coat. he can claw/swing arms at player or vomit green on you.
Please, sorry but I'm not that fast :P I also have to live a life you know. Contining with the boss now...
Tne Boss ^^
Let me know if there are other animations you need for him, otherwise, I'll continue on with the mask guy in a little while.
All good mate, I understand. I thought you might of finished him before you started the bull and hadn't uploaded him yet. Animations for the axe and explode look good. I noticed he has a few pixels from the axe near his foot, but I can fix that. :)
Yeah, I can see those as well, kind of a little oopsie there :P
Mask Mutant
he looks good mate well done! one thing can you please make his arm and leg skin colour, so its like is suit has ripped open and is mutant body parts have come out.
Hit and Slash for him ^^
nice the slash looks really good!!
Added the death animation, and modified the skin color.
Added and explosion animation which is based off that of the other human characters, but I can also make a different one if you need it.
Yeah something abit different would be cool.
looks much better thank you :D
Different explosion animation,very gory, but we really need to slow down the pace here, you want things very fast. ^^'
Also I did change it to skin color, but I presume it was white skin color you wanted then~
that colour is good, when you make the scientist can you make him the same kinda colour please
That explosion looks good! I like it to be "very gory" lol.. Its ok take your time, I would prefer you take your time and make them look the best you can then rush them, but so far they are all looking great. :)
Thanks, but yeah, I do need a little more time than this :)
All good mate. So there is only the scientist and the red demon. Can you please do the red demon with goat legs and can you give him muscles with shading etc.
haha just noticed his arm getting blown off :P
Red Demon, but this guy does not look very scary imo, it also looked kinda goofy on the original picture even. But I guess he can be either a comic relief monster - or a deceptively dangerous enemy.
Perhaps I should give this guy a different blood color to make the thing more clear agains the red, like yellowish, brown, or black.
But I guess the game does not take itself that seriously when you're also fighting bulls and DC characters XD
that one does look abit weird, can you make his goat legs brownish also is horns and face look abit wierd.
The DC guy was just an example of a demon looking guy, and the bull was your idea. I just went with it because thats what it looked like, the first version you made :P
I wanted the half machine half mutant to look more like this. you made it look more like full machine half bull, lol
Changed the things you mentioned, now he definitely looks more like a devil sort of guy, but less like the original picture.
this version, that looked like a bull, So I thought if you going to make it look like a bull he should have horns, :P
Yeah thats looks alot better, thanks mate :D
pinky from doom
Do you want the Pinky instead of the scientist? That's a possibility ^^
I'll make a proper effort to make it actually resemble Doom then.
Can you please make both. I still really need a scientist to explain the mutants/demons as part of the storyline. XD
Well, both for the same price? What do you think? :P
Anyways, here's a fireball throwing sprite for the red demon. Should he have a different blood color for when I make the hit and death sprites? ^^
Made a little change to the final frame to make it look a little better.
Make you a deal, you do both of those and one extra a big fat mutant in same skin colour as masked guy and the scientist and make his attack vomit green chunks at the player and I'll give you extra on top of our deal. ;)
Version with no leg movement
For 22$ extra I can do that ^^
Examples of fat mutant:
1. https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSWkFeT6Ks1c_j-4vQJ...
2. https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSWkFeT6Ks1c_j-4vQJ...
They are both the same picture, it seems.
Ok thats fair I was going to give you around that for the extras on top of deal anyway and forget the first payment I made to you and just pay full amount we agreed on for doing a good job and changing a few things for me.
Told you mate, I'll look after you for helping me out.. ;)
That's nice of you ^^
So, should I give the red demon a different blood color for his hit/death/explode animations?
Sorry this one is a better example with a limp etc. No shirt and jeans looks good and lots of fat rolls and man boobs lol
Red should be ok, might just have to make it brighter and or darker and be careful with placement on first few frames. Not sure how green blood etc will look when rest are red.
Should he also have a melee attack, like a claw slash?
Btw, the fatman seems doable ^^