Low Poly 3D Modler/Artist Needed [FANTASY GAME]

Low Poly 3D Modler/Artist Needed [FANTASY GAME]

Corey Archer's picture

My name is Tyran Cordine. I'm part of a small team who have been working on a game codenamed Project_M. Project_M was a 2D top down adventure game however after the developers started a course on Unity3D they wanted to move development to the new engine. I liked the idea of making the game 3D however we need someone to help make the models for the game.
I am working on the textures for the game and if need be I can UV map the models.

I can do 3D modelling but not very well. I have a base model to work off when making new characters however I just don't have much time to work on models.

Unfortunately We can't pay anyone to do this as we don't have money to give and we aren't making money from this project just yet. This game is a love child from all us working on the game.

If you are interested please message me and give example of your work. I shall provide some examples of what we have modelled so far.

When the game is complete we are hoping to upload and sell on steam. However we don't know when that will be (if ever) so if the project results in any money being made it will be from profits of sales.

3d Piller Broken.PNG 3d Piller Broken.PNG 93.8 Kb [0 download(s)]
3d Piller Fixed.PNG 3d Piller Fixed.PNG 128.5 Kb [0 download(s)]
ModelBase.PNG ModelBase.PNG 35.7 Kb [0 download(s)]