Need a sprite artist
Need a sprite artist
Friday, December 15, 2017 - 15:38
I'm making a fighting game where you play as emo musicians. I currently have 6 in mind: Gerard Way, Andy Black, Ronnie Radke, Kellin Quinn, Tyler Joseph, and Brendon Urie. My idea for the sprites is that they would have an art style similar to Jump Ultimate Stars and Jump Superstars for DS. I know that each character should have a special move that pertains only to them, but I haven't decided what I want them to be. If you're interested, please let me know. Thanks!
Do you even have the rights to use these characters within your game?
I believe you may have misunderstood. These aren't characters, they are real people.
I know. Even though the only one of them I'm familiar with is Andy Black.
But you still need their permission.