Bake a normal map that softens the hard edges of your models
Bake a normal map that softens the hard edges of your models
Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 12:43
I have developed a new node for PixaFlux that bakes a normal map that softens the hard edges of your 3D models. With this node you can control the smoothing radius and simulate chamfers and fillets easily without the need of a high poly model:
PixaFlux is a node-based texturing tool that allows you to create procedural textures and images. You can use it to bake and edit textures to assets and also bake model information (ex: normal, displacement, curvature etc.). It contains a wide library of tools, materials and procedural effects to help you achieve your goals in a fully non-destructive workflow.
That's really cool! In the past, I've seen this kind of effect simulated by using 'hard' or 'soft' normals for the vertices of a model. That is generating normals per-face or per-vertex (smoothed across all faces a normal sits on). But I can see where this approach is smarter, cleaner and gives you much more control over the final normals. Great idea!
Thank you capbros. Actually this tool uses those hard and soft normals to find the edges that need to be softened. As you say, this node can be combined with many other nodes in PixaFlux to control harder and softer edges.
For example, you can combine it with UVMesh Render as a mask and blend a 2.0 smooth on top of a 1.0 smooth, two provide multiple levels of smoothing.
There is a new PixaFlux release (2017-09-17). In this release we're introducing the Common Tiles node, which generates seamless tile textures from multiple image inputs.
We've also uploaded a new Common Tiles video tutorial to YouTube:
Please let us know if you have any comments, questions or suggestions here or in our new PixaFlux Freshdesk support page.
Thank you!
There is a new PixaFlux release (2017-12-12).
In this release we're introducing the Zig Zag Tiles node, which generates seamless zig zag tile textures from multiple image inputs.
We've also uploaded a new Common Tiles video tutorial to YouTube:
We're also announcing our first contest: PBR Texturing with PixaFlux. You can participate for a chance to win US$100.oo.
Please let us know if you have any comments, questions or suggestions here or in our new PixaFlux Freshdesk support page.
Thank you!