Need pixel artist for hexagonal rogue like set in neo tokyo dystopian future
Need pixel artist for hexagonal rogue like set in neo tokyo dystopian future
Sunday, January 14, 2018 - 03:10
Looking for 2d assets for a hexgonal roguelike set in a neo tokyo/blade runner like environment.
Currently looking for:
6-8 enemies with 4 way movement and animation. (80s gang, mohawk punks, drug taking pshyco with tekeniss, etc). Some should be close range (knives). Medium (pistol) and long range.
1 female hero with 4 way movement and animation (female solid snake, merl silverburgh, pink hair, neo police). May need weapon variants.
This is paid!
Leaning towards flat color, minimal detail and good silhouettes. But open to suggestions if you feel work you have created would fit above.
What sort of style do you need these in? ^^
Sorry created this too late last night..added a couple suggestions.
Ah, so it's pixel art you want? Should be possible for me.
Let me make a couple of test sprites of the heroine. how large do you need them to be? Are there any details you can tell me about her other than she has pink hair?
Basically a female version of solid snake in pixel art style if that helps.
How large? In pixels
32x32? Could be taller if you feel that might look better. The entire grid will be visible at once. Sort of like hoplite.
An attempt at a style, however this is possibly too cute for you, I neither know if the character resembles what you want because you're not describing that in very much detail. Still, I came up with an attempt where the uniform resemlbes MGS1 and the other earlier Metal Gear games a bit. My main source of doubt is the eye, it might be a bit too cutesy like I said, but it's up to you to judge ^^ even if you find the entire drawing worthless and would rarther go with someone else, just say ^^
pm sent, ^_^