Need talented pixel-artist for my turn-based strategy game [Sci-Fi]

Need talented pixel-artist for my turn-based strategy game [Sci-Fi]

MadByte's picture

Hello everyone!

I'm new, so I would like to introduce myself real quick.
I'm MadByte, hobby game developer, 27 years old from Germany.
Please excuse my somewhat broken english!

What is it all about?

I'm currently working on a full GDD and prototype for a new minimalistic 2D turn-based tile-based strategy sci-fi game. It's an homage to an older game I used to play when I was young called "Chaos". It released as a Public Domain game on the Commodore Amiga. Here's a screenshot of this beauty:
Chaos, Amiga

What do I need?

I need an pixel-artist who creates futuristic units / buildings in a slightly angled top down view. All sprites need to fit on tiles (32px) but can vary in height a bit (as seen in the example designs below).
To get a better idea of what I would like to archive, I created a game screen design on my own (I like to draw some simple pixel art as well) which visualizes the main game screen. The shown tiles are from, they kinda represent the artistic direction I want to go with the game.

Game Screen Mock UpDesign with comments

I'm currently fleshing out the design document and hope to find an collaborator early on for this project. If you are interested, please post a reply or send me a PM. I also would love to answer further questions if their are any.

Thanks for reading!