Icon Designer Required
Icon Designer Required
Hello All!
I'm in need of an artist to create an image that represents the list below. All images must look like they are part of a set - and all images must look at home on a MMORPG website (which is what is being designed here).
Images need to be saved as PNG files, with a transparent background. There are some nice items on this website, but none of which are suitable for the project.
Anyway, here's that list - and thanks in advance!
World Map
Login / Logout
Can we see what you are working on? A lot of us have limited time and are hesitant to create stuff for projects we know nothing about, have no working demo, or have not even been started.
I appreciate that.
I'm unable to show you a running demo at this time, as the game is currently being built in several locations at the same time - none of which are linked together. I'm waiting for the BattleEngine and the MovementEngine to be perfected, linked, and bolted together before revealing too much.
I CAN tell you that we have a map artist that has taken a 2500x1500 map, split it into 250x150 images, then redrawn each image as a 800x600 'zoomed-in' map. That costs me $150 each time.
The lead artist has graciously taken a % cut of the game profits, as the budget, in it's entirety, was handed out to the cartographer. This was done simply because we think that the more places there are to explore, the more people will stay with the game and TRY to explore everything, thus increasing playability and interaction. The lead artist has created a male and female character, and created weapons and armour that can be overlayed onto them - each fitting perfectly, and drawn in such a way that the PNG given to me is a good, resizable 1000px in height.
As for the game, it is a fantasy RPG, played online. A similar vein to World of Warcraft, mixed with Lord of the Rings, if you will.
Contributors, paid or otherwise, will be invited to see their work in action well before the launch, just to ensure that they are satisfied with how the work has been used.
Also, I MUST point out that this is a PAID project - again, another reason why game information isn't entirely relevant. I neglected to mention this in my earlier post.
If you have a reasonable portfolio, or have contributed to a project that you can verify, then feel free to email aeoni.uk@btinternet.com - along with your usual fees. (per hour, or flat rate).
As with every person that I hire, a balance of cost/skill is looked at. Time is NOT an issue at the moment.
If you MUST have more information before you even think about this, please put this post on hold until I have something I can class as a working demo to show you!
Hello! my name is kyril and I'm full of ideas waiting for realization! I would be very happy to work with us.
Portfolio: http://www.rutalant.ru/user/18690