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I want to help with models
I want to help with models
Wednesday, June 20, 2018 - 19:02
But i dont know where to start, is somewhere a explanation for dummies?
What sort of help do you need with, specifically?
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Hi Ateo, well, everything, i have a 3d model ready and animated, now what? i found flare orthographic tutorial for tiles, but nothing is mentioned for character models; how to proced to render all the poses, size, how many and what angles, how to put them into a png sheet... All that is missing from the tutorials or i cant find it.
It would be nice to get that into the wiki, and even better to have a video tutorial about it.
The best way to figure out how to do these things is to open up the .txt and .png files in Flare, change things around, and see how everything connects together. Like in the .txt files there are various parameters, so change them, run the game and see what's different!
That being said, I'll try and answer your questions from what I know:
1) Size: This is something you can define yourself in the .txt files in the animations folder. Refer to the example provided in the alpha demo. You should see something like this:
This means that in your sprite sheet, each sprite is 96 pixels apart in the x direction and 96 pixels apart in the y direction. So make sure your .png sprite sheet follows this.
Render offset is hard for me to explain, best way for me to put it is that it defines where the 'floor' point of your sprite is when it is in the game Mess around with the parameters to see what looks right.
2) how many and what angles: Render each animation frame of your 3D model 8 angles in 360 degrees, 45 degrees apart. make sure you render it from an isometric, orthographic view.
3) how render the poses and put them in a .png sheet: I'm sure there are shortcuts, but I am an idiot so I do it manually :P I render things out frame-by-frame, for 8 angles, making sure I take into account the render_size and render_offset.
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This is less than intuitive, do you use some short of program to autoassign the pixels apart in the sheet? im sure thats not made by eye; also render_size dosnt seem to change anything.