[Done] Hair for Stendhal Sprites

[Done] Hair for Stendhal Sprites

AntumDeluge's picture

(I'm just putting this out there in hopes of getting some help. It is not imperative & I will eventually do this myself if all else fails.)

Most of the sprites in Stendhal have now been replaced using Cabbit's sprites & sprite bases. And I am so grateful for the OGA community that helped us accomplish this.

We still have a few left to do. I am currently looking for hair for some enemy sprites called "blordrough". I could probably draw the hair myself, but I am a bit burnt out on pixel art at the moment :-\. So, if someone is interested in creating or linking to some available resources they think might work, I would be very grateful.

These are the old sprites, which we cannot use anymore because of licensing issues. The order is a follows: blordrough quartermaster, storm trooper, & corporal:


(quartermaster & stormtrooper have the same hair, just re-colored)

The new sprites use Cabbit's bases (CC0), but the outfit is from Eldiran's 32x32 RPG Character Sprites (CC0) (see attachments below). I would like the hair for the new sprites to somewhat resemble the old ones. Any of the Creative Commons/OGA licenses approved here on OpenGameArt.org are acceptable. GPL licensing is fine too, but I would prefer OGA/CC.

We have modified & used LPC hair & outfits with some of our sprites before (example: our oracles use Nila122's Hairs For LPC). So if anyone knows of any LPC hair that they think might look good please post a link.

The GIMP source can be downloaded here.


  • I did create a version using Fabzy's The Revolution - Hair (CC BY-SA) (see second attachment). But that hair is currently used quite a bit in Stendhal, & I would rather have something a little more unique.
  • Exluding "quartermaster-fabzy.png", the attached files are licensed under CC0.


quartermaster-bald.png quartermaster-bald.png 9.1 Kb [6 download(s)]
quartermaster-fabzy.png quartermaster-fabzy.png 9.7 Kb [3 download(s)]
storm_trooper-bald.png storm_trooper-bald.png 9.3 Kb [3 download(s)]
corporal-bald.png corporal-bald.png 9.3 Kb [3 download(s)]
base.png base.png 2.7 Kb [0 download(s)]