Bug in the skill point system
Bug in the skill point system
Monday, September 17, 2018 - 00:27
I cecked it with 4 Characters. Flare 1.07, snap on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
If you level up, die, or just play around for some time, and you are wearing an item with a skill bonus, like mez's wraps, the game makes a mess.
It gives you some unspent skill points, than the next time you start the game it takes the same amount back. If you spent the points, it subtracts them from a random skill.
It ruined all my characters.
Thanks for this game, it's a pleasure to see how it grows up.
Confirmed. It looks like it's removing all points spent on passive powers. So Wolf's Eye (which Mez's Wraps gives a bonus to), becomes locked again. I've opened an issue on Github for this: https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-engine/issues/1670
If your skill point count is incorrect, you can try running "exec respec=powers" in the developer console. Enable Developer Mode in the Interface configuration menu and press F5 by default to bring it up.
I released 1.08 today, which contains a fix for this bug. Hopefully the Snap packager will get the update packaged quickly.
Here I am still waiting for the snap. No 1.08 for me.
Before the 1.07 i could press 2 buttons simultaneously, and the second action would take place as soon as it was ready. Like hitting with the sword, holding the shield bash button. with the 1.07 this is no longer possible. The second button does not work until i relase the first.
was it intentional?
Thx - Rad.
That's a shame. The Flatpak was updated if you're looking for an alternative.
As for the input behavior you described, the fact that you were able to do that was unintended. I can't think of anything recent that would have changed it, but we're keeping the current behavior.
still no snap update...
Sorry for the delay. I just released version 1.09, so I didn't want to bug the maintainer for the previous version close to a new release. I notified them, so hopefully it will get updated. We may adopt the Snap package ourselves in the future to prevent this issue.
Looks to be updated on the "edge" channel. You can install it with:
sudo snap install flare-rpg --edge