Game proyect, Barbaros RTS
Game proyect, Barbaros RTS
Hello, I want to present the project I'm doing Barbaros, a strategy game in real time made in blender. I am currently looking for interested in joining the team. My e-mail is
Here I leave the link project blog (in Spanish)
Here I leave a project description:
Free play real time strategy based on historical material. Try the barbarians of Europe at the end of antiquity and late middle ages
The game focuses on economic and technological development of a nation's military in order to conquer other peoples.
Barbaros ambition to exploit the GE engine in Blender GLSL environment in creating a strategy game in real time high quality.
It is an open project which aims to free access, use and modify non-commercial purposes.
Code license GNU General Public License v2
Content License Creative Commons 3.0 BY
Platforms: Mac, Linux and Windows
Housing project on Google Code
Hey wanted to let you know that I have created a discussion forum GoogleGroup project. He loved to invite to participate by contributing ideas, criticism, advice and opinions, not necessary. It is not necessary to belong to the project to participate in the forum.
The forum link is
Your project looks quite interesting, but I don't know any spanish :) I hope the game will be in english. And the top (header) picture of your blog looks really good.

In the menu on the right of the blog is an item that says «Idioma / Language» can translate to the web with traducctor Google. In fact I do not know English and use the Google translator.