Seeking art Work + Artist
Seeking art Work + Artist
Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 14:11
We are looking for talented 2d artist looking to build their portfolio. We also offer commission based on sales of the product you contributed art work too. If your interested, please email Micah at Currently we are in need of “retro” style character and environment art.
When you say "looking to build their portfolio" and "commission based on sales," I assume that you mean that the position is otherwise unpaid? If it is paid, you should know that those are warning bells for artists and sound rather like "lots of work which is unlikely to pay off." If it's unpaid, well, you'll probably need to do more to convince people that you're serious and worth spending unpaid time on.
Your point is valid but only to artist whom are already established in the business and in their career. Way back when dinosaurs ruled the earth, I was in college and studding to become a software engineer. When I graduated, I had 0 experience in the field and no one would hire me just because I had a shinny piece of paper + good smile.
I was later approached by my uncle whom seemed to always be doing well and seemed to live a good life. He advised to me to start my own business for a few years and gain some experience. Then if I wanted to enter the field try again. So I did and roughly ten years later here we are and my business is still kicking successfully. Along the way, I ran into many people getting ready to go and coming out of college who had 0 experience in the field.
They are good people, good at what they do but no one will hire them because they lack a good portfolio or experience. So I hired them for some small jobs and they worked for us for awhile. Most of them moved on the better careers and more money. Which I thought was great but the point is they gained valuable experience and earned a little cash on the side. I don’t think of my self or my company as a massive business that can promise fortune and fame because we can’t. However, I do think of us as a good stepping stone for young people looking for a career chance and opportunity to get their foot in the door.
So referring back to your statement above, if you’re established in the field rather it be freelance or professional working in a studio, this is not for you. However, if you’re unemployed, looking to build up your portfolio, getting ready for college or just coming right out of college; we may be a good stepping stone for you. We may be able to help you get your foot in the door as well.
When I graduated, I herd the ole saying “OO your field has tons of jobs out there for you”. It did in California but I live in Indiana. The careers also required 2 plus years of experience. These are things my college did not tell me. So its easy to set back and point out to kids “its easy to get a job in this field”. No its not, any job anyone can find right now is extremely hard to come by. If I was unemployed right now and I did not have my business, I swear I would be flipping burgers with my 3 college degrees. However, the main point I’m trying to make is this is a career opportunity for those whom are just starting out in this field. We are a small business and are limited on pay. So we offer commission based pay or royalties if you prefer that term.
I’m sure some of you older guys out there reading this as well can relate to my college story. That was another reason after I became successful in business I decided to reach out to the younger grads and help them. It is tough to get a job in your field directly out of school. One of my professors told me recently that on average a college grad spend at least 2 to 3 more years after graduation working out side of their field before getting a career their field. So for the lucky ones who received careers in the field right after college my hats off to you, for the rest of us whom were not so lucky, here is a small opportunity for you if you would if you are interested.
If you're an artist looking to build your portfolio by doing free work, there are plenty of libre / open source projects out there where the programmers are donating their time for free as well. I would recommend choosing one of those instead.
Furthermore, if they can't afford to pay you $10-15/hour (a reasonable rate for a student artist), it's likely that they don't have the budget to see their project through to completion either ... and if they can afford to be paying you those rates, they should.
I don't know, low budget and no budget is debatable. A lot of low budget games are built off the concept paid after work is completed and pay by commission. I think your thinking of more commercial based games. I mean I’m making commercial based games as well but I mean games from larger companies who produce high volume of games than my self.