Making music with open source tools
Making music with open source tools
So sorts of software packages do you guys use to make music ? I have been looking around for some software that will supports reading from a MIDI device, and my preference of course would be something open source. So far I've been pretty disappointed with the non-commercial software I've been finding. But maybe my google-fu is just failling me.
Also, what about licensing for sound fonts? Are there free ones available? I am using SGM-V2.01.sf2 but I found no licensing information on it.
I've looked into LMMS some 4 years back, it already looked promising.
What I usually do now is take sounds from (kind of like OpenGameArt for sounds) and do some editing with Audacity (also open source).
got game?
in the past i've used OpenMPT, with freepats samples.......which suck :/
Milky Tracker is open source and supports MIDI in.
LMMS. It's definitly the best open source sequencer. (Well, you could also setup a Linux with Jack and multiple applications, thats a bit more troublesome though.)