Emojis? Need assorted "icons"
Emojis? Need assorted "icons"
Sunday, December 23, 2018 - 05:45
I'm working on a project which would really benefit from a large array of assorted, square icons. Emojis would be perfect. I'm having trouble finding emoji assets that I can use with my project. The project will be an open source python package in which I want to include the actual image assets.
Does anyone know of a free emoji asset set and/or a large collection of assorted, square icons?
Have you looked at https://game-icons.net/ orĀ https://thenounproject.com
I have not seen those, and they are both wonderful resources. Thank you! However, sadly, I do not think I will use them (unless I have to). This is because these resources are single colour only. What I like about emoji implementations is:
- the diversity of subject matter (found in the linked resources)
- the "iconic" nature of the image (also present)
- the colour (not present :( )
In any case, I am very happy to be aware of these offerings. Thank you!
I just found this (through one of the resources found here).
Sorry, last post. The above link is a good resource, but still monochromatic.
I found the twitter emoji assets to be appropriate. They are free and have a CC-BY-4.0 license.