Looking for CC0 Sound just Do Re Mi Pa Sol Ra Ti Do
Looking for CC0 Sound just Do Re Mi Pa Sol Ra Ti Do
Friday, January 4, 2019 - 10:06
I am looking for Just Do Re Mi Pa Sol Ra Ti Do sound file of a piano or similar instrument to use a new puzzle game under no limitation.
I thinks those are basic sound but can't find.
please help me.
I can record that? Not famillar with solfeggio but I can record a chromatic scale?
Download: Single-octave chromatic C scale, in wave (.wav) audio format.
C1,B1,D1,E1,F1,G1,A1,B1,C2 are the notes of the scale
C1s, D1s, etc are the sustained, or longer versions.
These piano sound files are public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, ordistribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiledbinary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
Other options:
Thousands of free, downloadable sound samples specially recorded by Philharmonia Orchestra players.
License: You are free to use these samples as you wish, including releasing them as part of a commercial work. The only restriction is they must not be sold or made available 'as is' (i.e. as samples or as a sampler instrument).
Select an instrument from the Clarinet to a Train Whistle, select the notes and the duration you need, and download the samples.
thanks. but worng sound.
sounds are not continuous and so that these sounds are difficult to adopt to a game.
If you can, I will sincerely appreciate you.
You will have to be more specific about your needs then.
just like below
just... just Do Re Mi Fa Sol Ra Si Do.
any instrument.. for example piano, violin, or complxed music.
please Need Step by Step Sounds.
Ok, so the file contains the C Major Scale, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C or "Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do"
The file contains short notes, and sustained notes.
It is in piano.
You say you want 'continuous' then 'step by step'. Define 'continuous' as in sustained? Define 'step by step' as in 'individual notes'? I dunno, sir :D
Do you need it in one file instead of individual files?
You could create that yourself, or any other format yourself by importing each note.wav into an audio editor like Audacity (Free).
Update: Look at my original reply, as I have included a site you can access with a variety of instruments that may suit your needs. Good luck!
thanks your appreciation
but... sorry, I'm not a English native so that somewhat strange in sentence. 1. I want individual files.2. your above link which linked onto Git Hub has worng sound. [ Mi ] or [ Pa ] Sounds are strange. 3. I want individual sound file that you linked above. just [Mi] or [Pa] Sounds are strange. sorry and thanks.