Open Sonic
Open Sonic
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We're looking for people who can make original graphics for Open Sonic, an open source game based on the "Sonic" universe. Unfortunately, currently it uses "ripped" graphics, but we'll replace this art by original content (similar to what Secret Maryo Chronicles did in the past).
Open Sonic is a free open-source game based on the "Sonic the Hedgehog" universe. It introduces a different style of gameplay called cooperative play, in which it's possible to control 3 characters simultaneously. Unlike most similar games, Open Sonic provides a greater level of interaction between the player and the levels. It's more than just a jump'n'run; the user must come up with some strategy in order to get through the levels. (detailed description at our website)
A demo is available for Windows and Linux. There are also ports for Dreamcast, AmigaOS 4.x and MacOS X (experimental).
You can find the planning of the game at our blog: Story & plans. The code has been released under the GPLv2.
We need people who can do at least one of these two tasks:
1. Create level graphics. Please take a look at our blog to know the ideas of the planned levels.
2. Create characters art (sprites: players, enemies, bosses, items, etc).
Our final goal is to create an original game (with original art & music) that plays like the classic "Sonic the Hedgehog" games, but in a different way, with the cooperative play feature.
Join us!
Thank you.
[EDIT - comments from other topic]
We plan to change the characters and their names. One of our goals is that this game becomes available in the repositories of most popular Linux distributions. The only way we can achieve that is if this game becomes fully original (characters and art and music).
SuperTux is based on Super Mario. SuperTuxKart is similar to Mario Kart. These games use many concepts of their "parent" games, yet they are fully original. The same idea applies to this game: it's similar to Sonic the Hedgehog, but with our own different gameplay style. The only thing that is missing in this game is the "fully original" part, but that's why we're here requesting your help, people.
The characters will be replaced. What will they look like? I have no idea. We need people to assist us on that (I lack drawing skills). All I know is that they'll have similar skills compared to the original characters (running, flying, gliding, etc), plus some original abilities we can make up.
I also don't know how the final game will look like, but I already know the mechanics: there will be slopes, loopings, item boxes, shields, bonus stages, bosses, and of course, cooperative play.
We also have a small plot written here. ...and there's no Eggman.
It's the same idea of SuperTux, but applied to Sonic, plus some original features.
Why's there no Eggman? :(
Hi Sindwiller,
There's no Eggman on the plot because we want/need to invent new characters. This is being discussed here:
So... Is anyone interested? This is a real project, with real people and real progress.
On behalf of OGA, I'd like to formally throw our weight behind a graphical revamp of your project. I'd like to talk to you in real time, though, so if you can stop by our IRC channel, I'd appreciate it. :)
newbie question, but if your using their name and likeness (even if you have original code/art), aren't you still violating some type of copyright/trademark?
It's been some time since this thread was dead. Glad someone shows interest. :)
Hello dime,
You're right, using the "Sonic" name is a problem. Luckily, "Open Sonic" is being dropped in favor of Open Surge.
During the past months, our early adoptors have contributed immensely in terms of creating a plot, creating some original musics and sound effects, developing graphics, writing documentation, etc. Our game engine has evolved too (the progress is real, and it's documented on the wiki). However, there's still much to be done, specially in terms of graphics.
We'll release the last version of "Open Sonic" (0.1.4) this Sunday - we need to attract a few more early adoptors. We desperately need more contributors. Our contributors are the ones that will make Open Surge become a reality.
This project is still in its infancy and it's growing. If any of you people want to help, please follow the link:
Thank you very much.
Hey. I'd like to help with this. I could probably do a scenery or a charachter design. Let me know.
My website is, and my blog is
Hello Tyler,
You've certainly got an interesting portfolio.
Your help will be appreciated. All the work on the game is done in an "open" fashion, meaning: user-made content is shared in our community forums. All one needs to do is post the content. A discussion will follow. User-made content is shared here (opens in a new window).
Regarding character design and scenary, our wiki contains detailed information of what content needs to be created: (opens in a new window).
If there's anything else you need to know, please ask.
Thank you.
I liked the sketches that he made. Pretty nice.