Squiggly tree in fall
Squiggly tree in fall
Friday, November 19, 2010 - 09:15
Art Type:
A non-realistic tree model. The trunk is a static mesh with a diffuse texture and a normal map created with the GIMP normalmap plugin. Leaves are small groups of quads with a partially transparent diffuse texture and a crude hand-painted normal map. The vertex count is 2200 and the triangle count 4300.

Neat! Can you tell us about your process for making this? E.g. did you make the trunk and branches with a generator? Or box modeling, or subsurface modeling, or sculpting?
Nothing fancy about the process really. I modeled the side profile of the tree with box modeling, using a reference image as a rough guide. I then manually bent the branches and worked on the shape and details until it looked good to eye. I placed UV seams by hand, exported the UV layout, drew the textures, and placed the leaf meshes. Probably one of the more work intensive ways to do it.
I've just tried this model, and it looks nothing like the picture; it's like a low-poly tree. Has it changed?