Can't use the bar
Can't use the bar
Hello! Forgive me for my poor english, I'm french and I haven't great skills with your language.
First, I wan't to thank you Clint for your work, I love what you did, the music, the graphics, it's very impressive you did that alone!
But (there's always a "but"), I've a little problem, I play flare v0.14 on linux mint 9 isadora and I can't use the bar on the left with the numbers keys or the num pad, no reactions... So I was wandering if I can change the controls in the keybindings.txt but I don't know how to proceed...sadly. Strange fact : when I right click on a power on this bar it works... in only one direction.
I hope this message is understandable, sorry again to torture the shakespeare language!
If you have an solution, explanation, I'll be very happy, thanks for reading this!
J'ai eu le même probleme sous Ubuntu 11.10, quand je joue à Flare je change la config de mon clavier : en anglais qwerty. Ce n'est pas une vrai solution mais ça marche.
Quand tu utilise un pouvoir dans la barre de gauche, celui-ci prend la direction de ta souris, c'est pourquoi tu as l'impression qu'il ne fonctionne que dans une seule direction. C'est bien sur plus utile quand tu peux te servir des raccourcis clavier ;-).
J'espère que ça aide,
I had the same problem on Ubuntu 11.10, when I play to Flare, I change my keyboard settings : english qwerty. This is not a real solution, but it works.
When you use a power in the left bar, it aims at your mouse position, that's why you feel that it works in only one direction. It's definitely more usefull if you could use the keyboard shortcut ;-).
I hope it's useful,
PS:I'm not fluent too !
Merci cybertroll! De mon coté j'ai bricolé une solution en convertissant les valeurs ascii du keybindings.txt du qwerty vers l'azerty, ça ne marche que partiellement (le 2,7,9 et 0 ne marchent pas)