featured asset of the month...
featured asset of the month...
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 20:15
I think it would be awesome to do monthly feature's of assets on the blog each month, this would serve the purpose of (obviously) featuring cool submissions that might(or might not) be over looked by many visitors, as well as keep people hopefully visiting the site at least once a month, as well as maybe bring(and keep?) more active contributor as they have the chance(&honor?) of possibly being featured on the blog... :) what do you think, guy's? :)
sounds sweet *if* it can be implemented to happen automatically:
A poll with the assets of the previous month (1st-last day) and one vote option per user.
Should anonymous voting be possible?
How long should the vote be active? 1 month? In that case the asset of july would be the favorite may asset.
an alternative would be to implement voting and to show 'most liked' asset of the month/week/whatever :)
all in all, not very important, but such a thing would let users re-visit the latest addition which can make them more 'involved' also newcomers would see good art in that 'asset of the ...' widget (on the left of main site I assume?)
no, anonymous, could be bad.
people could just keep voting for themselves... ;)
but i do agree there should be editors pick and community pick if possible,
though I think even editors pick would be sufficient, at least in the beginning, anyway's. :)