Youtube channel and fund to encourage open art
Youtube channel and fund to encourage open art
Thursday, October 3, 2019 - 21:03
Thinks about commisioning open source art for my game I came up with the idea for a Youtube channal that posts videos of artist creating open source art.
The rules would be you must release the thing your working on at at least the stage in was at the end of the video, your allowed to continue to work on it is your embassist of the state it's in and save that footage for a future video.
It would pay $20USD a month for an hour of video and you must do at least an hour of work on an approved project.
What do you guys think?
Sounds like fun. What is the format of the video? Just real time art creation or commentary also? So artists would work on your game for an hour plus an hour of other game art?
my idea was that the artist would just screen capture his sessions working on the my art while commenting on what he's doing like this video. and save his work every hour and they would be all he had to do.
So just one hour of work, plus the incidentals of seting up for the recording and uploading the video.
or if he didn't feel comfortable he could do a short tutorial or demo real of maybe even something like the Blender today live where you just talk about what happened the last week in the open source art world.
you would only be required to release a weekly video OR one hour of video a mouth and you'd get paid for when you do the one hour of work on an approved project. with the limit that I only have $1000 plus $20 a month to spend on this.
I made a post on Blenderartist asking if anyone would be interested doing this in addition to the job request I posted here.