
Joe Strout's picture

A bunch of us in another thread were kicking around ideas for basically a Worms clone called "Annelids" (originally the idea of @Xom Adept).  But I don't want to take over that thread, so let's move further discussion of this game to here.

I've volunteered to do the coding, but I don't want to also wear the hat of game designer.

@FloffleWaffle FlooferWoofer volunteered for the art and sound roles (thanks!), and also wrote:

collabs are more of a challenge than you may think....

Oh for sure.  I've seen them fail.  That's why I'm not cracking open a code editor until we have a team that seems both serious about it, and competent enough to pull it off. :)

@ZomBCool wrote:

I could help out with the Sfx. I have a ton of ideas :) I can propose a game design. Others should too then we pick out the best ideas that work ;)

Agreed, brainstorming's for everyone, but somebody needs to be in charge of the design.  Otherwise, our otter ends up looking like a platypus (metaphorically speaking).

Game designer is probably the hardest job.  It's easy to think of lots of fun little ideas, but to put it all together into a coherent whole, limit scope creep, maintain balance, and maximize the fun -- that's not easy.

(And don't look at me.  I'm just the coder!)