New tilesets (room, swamp, etc.)
New tilesets (room, swamp, etc.)
Saturday, December 14, 2019 - 13:40
I don't mean to stat a billion different topics, but I'm working on some a tileset for interiors. Here is how it looks like in game so far (I noticed that the furniture needs to be scaled down, but I thought I'd share my work in progress).
Edit: The tileset is finished (see discussion below).
cool, this could be the interior of some of the houses seen in the grasslands tileset.
I think scale everything down by 50% and it will be good.
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Flare Project thread
Thanks, it's great to have feedback from a professional. By the way, how's your game/mod comming along?
Here's a test in Tiled. The floor needs some work, I focused mostly on the walls today.
Strange I had replied to a separate topic on something similar. How long is it taking you to get to this point? I am very interested in making something like modular houses in a medieval type setting. I doubt I have any artistic ability, but I am willing to try.
What program does everyone work in when creating isometric tiles?
Hi, thanks. Clint (FLARE's creator) has a tileset of modular houses in a medieval style, don't know if you've seen it. If not, I'll find the link in a while.
About the amount of time to get to this point, I would say about a day, more or less. I don't have much artistic ability either, but I'm trying to level up on it. Reading/watching tutorials helps a lot.
For isometric tiles in FLARE's style, I think nearly everyone uses Blender. Here's Clint's tutorial on how to make them:
Ok, here's a progress report.
OMG that is looking so sweet! I love the added lighting you did. Did you also make the furniture? What is each tile size? 128x64? How many tiles is that room going horizontally?
Thanks! Yeah, I made the furniture, chairs, tables, walls and floor (which still needs some work). Each tile is 64 width by 128 height, including the floor. This is necessary because they are all part of the same .png file, so that Tiled can read it as a single image, but divided into different tiles of the same size.
About the size of the room, I don't know how many tiles it's going horizontally, lol, I haven't counted them. It's probably around 15 tiles or so, but it's part of a larger map (80 x 80 tiles).
Basically I used Blender to make the floor tiles and the furniture objects. I rotated them along the Z axis and outputed each image as a separate .png file. The I used ImageMagick's montage tool to unite all of them into a single image, ready to be used by Tiled.
Ok, I finished the tileset, so I removed the "work in progress" phrase in the thread's title.
You can download the tileset here:
While I would like to make new chests, boxes, beds, etc., these have already been made by Clint, so they can be incorporated to the room tileset. I just focused on the stuff that was missing.
Here are some screeshots, one in Tiled and one in game.
This is looking great! But if you don't mind, I have a few criticisms:
Thanks! criticisms are more than welcome, they help me improve. You're absolutely right, I forgot about the shadows for the chairs, and you're also correct about the textures. I'll fix those later today.
For now, here's a preview of a lava tileset I'm working on. It needs a lot more variety, but this would be the general idea (I like to sketch things out roughly at first, and then tweak them later).
BTW, I haven't forgotten about the counter for Flare! I'm working on it. It's just that I try to do a lot of stuff at the same time. It's probably not a good idea, since things take longer to finish, but it's a personality flaw that I'm trying to correct : P
A quick update on the room tileset, incorporating Justin's suggestions. The chairs now have a cast shadow, and I fixed some of the textures (except for a few corners and the long tables). I'll upload the finished version either today or tomorrow, together with the .blend file.
Ok, I have updated the tileset, and I have also included the Blender source files. You can download them here:
@dorkster, any other suggestions of what I should do with this tileset? I have just realized that the cast shadows on the chairs don't match the ones of the tables. I'll probably also add some doors and more variety for the walls. The shelf with the drawers also looks kind of weird... like it was made for a giant or something. I'll have to fix that as well.
I see that none of the shadows actually match the player's shadow in terms of where the light source is coming from. I recommend copying the lamps from something like "flare-game/art_src/tilesets/dungeon/dungeon_doors.blend".
I agree about the bookcases. Reducing them to about half of their current height seems sensible.
True. Here's how the error was caused: I decided to give the tables a top-down lighting so that the cast shadow would fit a 64 x 128 tile. Longer cast shadows will mean that either I split the tables into more tiles or I make them smaller. I think the first option is better.
Well, the lighting we use makes the shadow fall mostly behind the object, plus a little to the right (observe the player's shadow). With the size and shape of the tables, this shouldn't make the tile size grow too much. I rather have correct lighting, even if it means some objects are 1-2 tiles bigger.
So, do I take it that this tileset has in-game potential? : D
Anyways, I'm on it, I'll fix it later today.
Yes. I like the idea of not having every NPC in the game be standing outside. Especially if we want proper "town" environments.
Two things I just though of to add are some windows, and more importantly, doors. It would be even better if they were styled to somewhat match the building exteriors seen here:
it looks cool, could be even used for my new mod using a new artstyle, the only thing is that I need to change few things for this...
@dorkster: duly noted.
@rubberduck: thanks! Sure, use it if you think it's worth it. What do you mean about the stuff you need to change? Do you mean changes to this room tileset? If that's the case, perhaps I can change it myself so that I save you some time.
@dorkster: the windows are proving to be a little bit of a challenge, but fear not, I have an idea on how to make them work. The challenge is that since the view is isometric, if you stand inside of the building you wouldn't really see the horizon, or even the sky for that matter. You would only see ground. But I think I know how to work around this, I just have to make it look convincing.
The windows can (and probably should) be opaque, just like they are from the outside. The combination of our game's resolution and the "hatching" over the window itself, it wouldn't really be possible to see much detail through them anyway.
Makin' progress... got the doors and windows
That looks great! Just what I had in mind.
Thanks! I fixed the book cases, as well as the shadows on the chairs and tables. The only problem is that I had to scale them down so I could fit the shadow into the same tile, but this causes an alignment problem with the chairs. Will have to scale these down as well. And I'm not sure that the player character can walk through the open door spaces, it seems too narrow, but I'll playtest it tomorrow.
I also did some crude paintings just to have more decorations for the walls.
Almost done with this tileset. Fixed a lot of stuff, and I added some rugs. I playtested it today and the doors are a bit too narrow. Oh well.
Made some stairs. This is going to end up being my christmas present for FLARE, lol.
EDIT: BTW, completely unrelated, but I made an anglerfish portrait. I'm thinking about doing potraits of FLARE's creatures/enemies with this method (Blender + Krita), hopefully trying to match the style of the goblin portrait.
That looks really tight, the textures and feel match the other art in the game.
I noticed that some of the tilesets are moving from 64x32 to 128x64. Is there going to be a redo for all of the tiles will be 128x64?
@reefcrazed: Thanks! I'm not sure I understand your question. The floor tiles for most sets (grassland, dungeon, snow, etc) are sized at 64x32. The latest ones in this room tilset are also at that size. That being said, when they are joined together into a single image, they are converted to 64x128. But that extra height that they gain is just empty space. The resolution of each of them is still the same.
I think your tilesheet is off one pixel, definitely getting some lines when using them in GoDot. It looks like when doing the slicing it is getting a single pixel from the next tile.
@reefcrazed The tileset looks fine to me. I opened it in GIMP and set a 64x128 grid to make sure. None of the tiles appear to be bleeding over.
@reefcrazed: thanks for the heads up, I'll look into it. It seems to be working ok with Tiled, but I do have Godot, so I'll try it there and see if I can replicate the problem you encountered.
@dorkster: thanks. Maybe it could be an issue specific to Godot? I'll check it in a while. BTW, any other suggestions for this tileset? You are afterall fulfilling the role of Flare's art director, among other responsabilities : D
I was referring to how many of the new tilesets regarding flare are coming with 128x64 base tiles, like the newer grassland.
This may help to see what I am seeing. I have not seen this type of thing in the other Flare tiles.
Hmm.... that does look strange. Let me look into in a while, I'll try to locate the source of the problem.
It only seems to be some tiles though, I zoomed in some to help.
I added a 1 pixel offset to the entire tileset and indeed those lines went away.
@reefcrazed There are no immediate plans to move to 128x64 tiles.
@m7600 Here are some ideas:
It is incredible that all of this is getting some TLC. There are so many possibilities to help the community. I really wish I had some artistic ability but anything I created has the quality of stick figures. Bookcases, bottles, alchemy gear, ropes, etc. What about crates? I know I saw barrels in some tile sheets but what about crates, do we already have those?
@reefcrazed Yes, we already have crates, barrels, and treasure chests in the other tilesets. They can simply be brought over to this one as they already match quite well.
Beds, dressers and weapon racks would be welcome
@reefcrazed: good to know that it was an issue with Godot and not the tileset itself (although I'm curious about it and I will test it nonetheless). About the community thing, well, this is going to be somewhat of a rant on my part, so please bear with me on this one. I got to know Flare when I was looking for games for Linux, ideally free software / open source (there's a difference between these two terms, but I won't get into it here). When I switched over to Linux, I decided that I would spend my gaming time with community-created stuff. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of commercial games, but they're usually stuff from the 90's and early 2000. We have come to a point where those kinds of games can be re-created in a free software / open source way. This is currently not possible with more recent titles such as Dragon Age (but 20 years from now it will). But, anyhow, I don't really enjoy Dragon Age, or any similar stuff. I'll take Diablo 2 or Baldur's Gate 2 any day of the week over Dragon Age. But that's just me. I like retro stuff.
@dorkster: good ideas. I'm on it. I'll probably finish this tileset before christmas.
@m7600 I have no idea why Godot is not slicing it right, I have to add one pixel in the snap options or it is grabbing a single pixel from the tile to the left of the current one. If I bring it up in Photoshop with a grid up I see no issues there. It is not a one time fluke though. I removed the tileset and closed Godot, imported it back into my .tres and sliced it again and the same tiles are pulling one pixel from the adjacent. This type of bahavior is not noticed in sheet_walls_1, sheet_walls_2, sheet_walls_3 or sheet_ground of the flare tiles.
@m7600 Apparently this is a Godot problem and not an issue with your tileset. I took sheet_walls_1 and found a tile with the same charactistics on those tiles, where they have a tile on the left that hugs the border and low and behold, that problem is there. I will play with all of this more the next few days but in Godot it may be a good idea to pad those with one pixel on the tileset when they imported into Godot. With Christmas coming my time will be limited, I will probably play some board games with the kids.
But it would be interesting to know what is actually causing this problem. Godot is an increadibly fine-tuned software, that something like this slipped through the cracks during development and updating is almost inconcievable.
Well hell, look what happens when I do pad the entire thing one pixel, the line appears on the other side with a different tile. Am I doing something wrong?
I don't think you're doing anything wrong, this looks like undesired behaviour on the software's part. But again, it would be truly amazing if this had never been encountered before by another user.
Interesting though, it does not show in the game window while debugging. It only shows up in the scene editor window. So false alarm on my part, I found a bug that no one probably cares about. I am on the stable build, I am sure it will get fixed eventually.
On the contrary, if I may: this is an awesome bug. I did a quick search for a bug report and found a discussion on a very similar (if not the same) problem:
Some of the developers were quite perplexed by it, including one of Godot's creators!
@m7600 after having a chance to really lay out your new tileset tonight, I am just loving it. Excellent work! Everything fits together seamlessly and has a great dark feel to it.
@m7600 yep, that does sound quite a bit like the same issue.