Planning a new Flare HD mod
Planning a new Flare HD mod
I plan making a new Flare mod using HD graphics soon.
Planned is a new campaign like the current, but with some changes. A different story, maybe combine the character class (ranged, adept, brute or how they are called) with the skill system, where you can decide in the game what you want to be and different characters starting with different stats.
I don't know where to start, I know about another flare project / demo that uses HD assets, but I don't know if it uses a different engine version.
Do I need to fork the engine and make bigger modifications to the engine?? Also I don't have any experience in flare modding right now.
Before making the campaign I want to experiment with modding and making some sort of demo mod, including some test maps.
updates on trees - 3 done, 2 more planned
leaves!!! finished trees coming soon - including dead trees / without leaves...
Starting to look really nice. Will there be some simple animations for the foliage?
I finished the trees:
Animated trees are more or less polishing now and is planned for the future...
I noticed a render order problem and don't know how to solve it - without restrictions on usung only a few layers??
Currently I need to use 2 layers for the rocks (object and object2)
currently my layers are like that: (visually order in tiled)
background < object < object2 < collision
and order by id:
background < object < collision < object2
i found a solution for this bug, it was just the order of the layers...
and started working on some buildings now...
more progress...
Looking great Ruberduck!
Subscribing. This looks like it's going to be great.
Looks great!
@rubberduck Can these Flare HD art assets use / be compatible with / in 256 x 128 scale pixel tiles? Also I am without a clear understanding as to how to turn this: into this: . I am hoping to have a 'Flare x 4' prototype working and eventually I hope to piece by piece replace the enlarged x 4 original Flare art assets / animations with new Flare HD art assets. Basically Flare but 4 times the pixel density / each original art asset pixel is split into 4 to start to get a working prototype with enlarged x 4 original flare art assets. How close is this 'Flare x 4' to your ideas of 'Flare HD'? For example can the 'Flare HD' tilesets work as rendered 256 x 128 scale pixel tiles? Also how can one make a 256 x 128 scale pixel tile standard lighting rig / work pipe line / get blender to make 256 x 128 scale pixel tiles from say a bunch big castle 3D models?