Dear Sound Designers
Dear Sound Designers
Hello fellow Gamedevs and Artists!
I am new here and registered here, because i am making a Game.
I am pretty satisfied, on how my game evolves so far, but the topic i have most trouble with is the Audio. I am by far no Musician or Sounddesigner, so all i can do is open up audacity and play almost randomly with the filters and effects, until i get a satisfying result. Which brings me back to topic.
In my game the Hero Card can increase its Stats Might, Magic & Treasury.
I have the Sound for Might upgrade and Treasury upgrade and i am very happy with them. Based on CosmicD´s epic Amulet.
Files are uploaded as reference.
My problem is, that i cannot get a satisfying sound for Magic stat increase.
It should sound similar to the other two, but also should have more a magic vibe. Its hard for me to be more specific, cause i simply dont have a clear vision.
Any Sounddesigner is welcome to offer some suggestion.
If there is a composer or sounddesigner here that is interested in making epic battle Music (lots of heavy drums) and looking for a project, I would be more than glad to have someone with a good feeling for audio/music on my side. I am a solo dev, working for free and will release the game for free. I cannot offer any payment.
This one seems to have some good sounds. The first and third in particular might match what you want.
thanks for the link, i did not found those yet.
but there are not what i am looking for.
they are too happy sounding. my game has some sinister/serious vibe to it and i want the sound to reflect that aswell.
I will try to describe what i am looking for:
The sound should have some kind of impactsound first (with fast build up), then some high vibration in the middle, fading out and some sort of glittering magic sound fading out after the impact sound.
My best result by trying myself, to give an idea
If you're loooking for sounds, you need to take a look at Freesound - Freesound They're a Creative Commons repository for soundeffects. And offer lisences like Public Domain, CC-BY (Must attribute creator) and CC-By-NC (No commerial use allowed and you also must credit creator.) I post on the site and it's great! They're sure to have what you're looking for.
Hi, decided to sketch out some examples for you.
Thanks a bunch Tausdei!
those are pretty good! im gonna give them a try.
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it