Slow Responsive
Slow Responsive
Over the last few months or so, I have noticced that OGA is becoming slow to respond to link clicks and uploads.
I have cleared my cahche on more than one occassion and other things and yet it still appears slow. Where talking up 10-15 seconds to load a page, well this is what im experiencing. I do not seem to have any problems loading other websites.
I wonder if its bandwidth? although it doesn't appear to matter whether there is 2 people active online or 10, it still remains slow, and i would say its getting slower. I considered my bandwidth with my router but as i have already mentioned i don't have the slow down for other websites, even those that are hampered with advertisment pop ups and videos.
Not sure what can be done, just wanted to know if anyone else is experiencing this issue? and bring it to OGA's attention incase there is a bug maybe or server issues.
I've noticed this too. Other websites as fast as they should be, while OGA is much slower.
I can confirm, the website is loading very slow. Have this issues even on highspeed internet connection at the university. Pretty sure the bottleneck is on the hosting side. The downloads are fast enough but adding a piece of art to a collection should not take more than a few seconds. That becomes anoying.
This should be fixed soon, so that all of us can enjoy this awesome platform fluently again.
I haven't noticed any performance issues, more than usual anyway.
I am a web developer by trade and would love to know if it is possible to contribute to improved website design. I think that the community could benefit a lot.
Getting 12.5kb/s DL on here, any other site is at the normal 10-20mb/s
Yes. I definitely have that strong lag, too, while I can access many other sites really fast.
But instead of demanding "This should be fixed" we should appreciate this amateur project. Afaik this website is run by volunteers, not by professionals. (Admins correct me if you make tons of money wirh OGA.)
Donating for a faster server would probably help.