Thursday, June 19, 2014 - 13:24
Art Type:
Decided to share the work (harlan brownings making a paper model) so I thought I would share with OGA as well.
Rigged with animation (if your using in a project you may want to change the sword out it looks a bit to much like glamdring from the movie)
I have other blender animation as well just not in te same file (block,idle, swing low and mid) if any one is interested just let me know. ill post then maybe somone can combine them

fixed the names
it would be awesome if someone could do some renderings and use this guy in flare.
Malifer I would be honored to be part of flare (wizard player character would be cool even a boss) BTW love flare
I found this after paying a new game like flare from the ap store i clearly maked this asset as CC-by 3.0 and there was nothing in the credits
hell i would have omited just for a payed version of the game
Included in the credits page now, my apologies: http://exiledkingdoms.com/ek_credits.html
Np david thanks for quick replie and fix ps. if you need any assets in the future just let me know
I'm sure we'll be working together, emailed you :)
This model is beautiful! Thank you so much for making it available. I used it in a chess-like board game I'm working on called REX, for the "Philosopher King" piece. I can't link to the game directly because every time I do my comment gets flagged as spam, but if you search for "REX gamejolt" on Google, it's the first result.
(His helmet came from this game model: http://opengameart.org/content/knight-statue :P )
I placed a link to this page in the games's description. Thanks again!
Thanks for the link back michael I looked at the posted videos i was quite surprised at the level of strategy for simple game nicly done.
Of course man, thank you for the incredible model!
he is so cool. thanks
I'm no good with blender. Wish there was an Isometric tile set for this model, similar to what this other model has:
Let me see what I can do I haven't touched the file in years.
But it shouldnt be an issue, not sure what animations I still have for it?
But I know there's a few attack animation what are you looking for walk death etc?
Blender should be fairly straightforward just select every thing you want the go above your items then rotate to what ever degrees you want then render to your output file location.
PS if your having issues with blender not sure how your going to fair with a game engine unless its very user friendly?
Like gamemaker if that's the case you should probably let me know as that may make it easier for me to help with that specific file format.
If its a different any info would also help to know what your target platform is.
Cool, reminds me of Gandalf!
Is this Gandalf? I played Exiled Kingdoms and I never noticed that guy looks like Gandalf, oh anyways, good job on it! I love it!.