Hexagonal land tile request for a web based wargame

Hexagonal land tile request for a web based wargame

Hi my name is Vincent Legendre and I'm developping a webbased wargame called Full Metal Galaxy.

It is based on full metal planete (cf http://www.solvalou.com/boardgames/fmp/) and is already played by few people.

It currently look like this: http://www.fullmetalgalaxy.com/game.jsp?id=/puzzles/tutorial/model.bin (only in french at the moment)


Despite my effort, the tile set I've build for several planete aren't very playable...
Are anybody already have similar tiles or are interested to help me ?

Attached file is a zip (rename extention) that contain a local html version to make some quick tests.

A tile set contain 7 tiles: sea, recif-low, recif-hight, mash-low, mash-high, plain, montain.
http://www.fullmetalgalaxy.com is fully open source.

